Lunar Sage


Dome of the Forgotten

Ziggurat of Dust

NPC Type


Limited Availability



  • This NPC gives the player the Hardlight Brand after defeating The Third Lamb at the Dome of the Forgotten location.

  • This NPC awards the player with the Stella Armor Set after defeating The Dried King at the Ziggurat of Dust location, so long as the player has exhausted all of the NPC's previous dialogue.


When the player speaks with the NPC at the Dome of the Forgotten:

^ This air... it's so still.

^ I was drawn to this dome for reasons I don't understand.

^ It's so lonely here. I long for a friend, but I think I've driven everyone I've loved away.

^ Tell me... have you heard of Hardlight?

  • If the player answers "Yes" to "Tell me... have you heard of Hardlight?":

^ You have?

^ Then you know that without being able to set foot upon it, you'll never reach your goal?

^ You know, I can help you with that.

^ You'd like that, wouldn't you?

  • If the player answers "No" to "Tell me... have you heard of Hardlight?":

^ Well then, let me tell you.

^ Hardlight has been described as not unlike crystalized moonbeams.

^ It can only be seen and touched by those that possess a Hardlight Brand.

^ But even those unable to touch hardlight will see its traces.

^ You'd like that brand, wouldn't you?

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ Yes, as I thought.

^ Well, it's as simple as that.

^ Accept this brand.

  • If the player answers "No":

^ No...? You're sure...?

^ Admit it: you need me. Don't you?

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Dome of the Forgotten after receiving the Hardlight Brand:

^ You come here to think too, don't you?

^ I enjoy solitude, of course, but you're always welcome to join me.

^ I like to think about how meaningful my actions are.

^ Making real change... that's what I bring to this world.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Ziggurat of Dust:

^ You've used the gift I gave you to explore, conquer, and vanquish.

^ I'm pleased to have been able to make an impact on your journey.

^ Moonlight has always been my friend.

^ Now I call you friend as well.

  • Upon returning:

^ May moonlight shroud you in this life.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ I don't think I'm like you.