Black Sands Sorcerer


Ziggurat of Dust

The Ruined Temple

Shivering Shore

NPC Type


Limited Availability



  • This NPC grants the player the Dart Brand.

  • This NPC gives the player a Charred Tome for completing his questline.

  • Completing this questline will also grant the player the achievement "Fading Fast."

  • In order to make the NPC spawn at the Shivering Shore, the player must defeat the Witch of the Lake.

  • Failing to meet this NPC at each location prior to defeating that area's boss will cause the NPC to disappear until the next game cycle.


  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Ziggurat of Dust:

^ Huh...?

^ So you killed him... you killed the King...?

^ Quite a relief.

^ But... is this a dream?

^ This ziggurat we're in... well... it reminds me of that great tomb built by the Sun King of Kulka'as.

^ Kulka'as is where I studied. Until... the mission.

^ We were to sail to the west. For a marriage alliance. I think...

^ No... that's wrong. We were to sail east, to Liven. We were to make peace with the Citadel of Fire and Sky.

^ Kulka'as' sitting king had just announced an alliance with Askaria, and with it, allegiance to their new gods. The climate for sorcerer collectives would surely sour.

^ So we sailed... but there was a storm at sea! I was washed ashore. I don't think any of my fellow sorcerers survived.

^ When I found this ziggurat, I thought I'd gone mad.

^ But I'm no stranger to dark magic.

^ Imagine a demon that feeds off of the ruins of nations.

^ ...a demon that... "collects."

^ Such a powerful being could dwell on this island. Or perhaps this island is the demon.

^ And it feeds... claiming men, women, kings, countries.

^ I want you to explore my theory, and I have just the thing to help you do it.

^ I have something for you. It might burn... a bit. But aren't all good things found in flame?

^ (Player is given the Dart Brand)

^ If you find the Ruined Temple, you'll know my theory is true.

^ What about you? Do you agree?

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ Of course. This island is a graveyard of civilizations.

^ Find the Ruined Temple. We'll get to the bottom of this.

  • If the player answers "No":

^ Hm... maybe I'm wrong.

^ Hope you figure out what it is we're doing here.

^ (This dialogue option will stop this NPC's questline, causing the NPC to disappear)

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at The Ruined Temple:

^ We found it: the Ruined Temple.

^ It was built in the north as a testament to the power of man. But it became corrupted. By greed... and something more.

^ The Mountainsmith may have cast out gods, but even a godless land isn't safe from demons.

^ I was led to this alcove by a number of tiny markings, each one bearing an instruction in a dead Tristini tongue.

^ Here I found a set of garments identical to mine.

^ Could it be that I have a shadow, leaving me messages, wearing my clothes?

^ Ever since you slayed the king, I've wanted nothing more than to explore.

^ But now that I think I understand what power is here... I'm filled with dread.

^ I'm going to retrace my steps. Perhaps I'll discover an answer.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Shivering Shore:

^ I think...

^ I think I understand.

^I tried to retrace my steps to when I wrecked on this island...

^ Only... I can't remember.

^ I came from... some nation.

^ I had a mission... to do... some thing.

^ But all I desire is to appease the island.

^ I've died so many, many times.

^ Again and again. Again and again.

^ I keep finding myself in the same place.

^ I find messages left to me... by me... with no recollection of leaving them.

^ Whatever my soul was made of... it's fading fast.

^ This island wants me to kneel. To abandon my soul to it...

^ I can't... I won't.

^ I should've died at sea. I... I can still die at sea.

^ Take this gift. I won't need it anymore.

^ (Player receives a Charred Tome)

^ Good luck, kind stranger. May you fare better than me.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ You're a shadow... but you're not mine.