Stone Sellsword

"A small stone figure in the form of a rugged sellsword. Offer the Stone Sellsword to an altar to summon a sellsword to the sanctuary. Grants shield block bonus to sanctuary region. "


  • Creates a Sellsword NPC at a sanctuary, causing the effect "+ Shield Block" in the sanctuary's associated area.

^ The Sellsword allows the host to summon a 2nd player to join them on their journey.

^ Depending on the host's console of choice, this 2nd player may be summoned locally, online or not at all.

^ Also allows the host and summoned player to engage in PvP


  • Starting Equipment

  • The Festering Banquet (1)

  • The Watching Woods (1)

  • Crypt of Dead Gods (1)

General Inventory

Egg of Wrath


  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Looking for companionship?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ It's dangerous out there. Maybe you shouldn't go alone.

  • Upon returning:

^ Looking for companionship?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Be careful.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ You two will do great things, won't you?

^ Fight the good fight, sellsword.