Stone Merchant

"A small stone figure in the form of a wealthy market merchant. Offer the Stone Merchant to an altar to allow merchants to do business in the sanctuary. Grants gold drop bonus to sanctuary region."


  • Creates a Merchant NPC at a sanctuary, causing the effect "+ Gold Drop" in the sanctuary's associated area.

^ The merchant allows the player to purchase a large assortment of items from their inventory.

^ The merchant's inventory will expand if specific criteria are met by the player.


  • The Festering Banquet (1)

  • Sunken Keep (2)

  • Castle of Storms (1)

  • Red Hall of Cages (1)

  • Crypt of Dead Gods (1)



The Three

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Care to browse my wares?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ This island is a cold and mysterious place. I miss the bustling markets of Askaria.

^ The war with Tristin was quite profitable for me. those were the days! My belly is fit to quiver just thinking about it!

^ Every day I'd haggle them all under the table, and every night I'd put a feast on my table.

^ And the tales I'd attach to my wares... I was like a wizard of want!

^ A rusty dagger? No, I'd sell you the Kris of Dying Truths, a magical weapon capable of making its victims tell you anything truthfully with their dying breaths.

^ A wooden spoon? Ha! You'd be buying Soulmother Grace's Ladle, a gerenations-old scoop that would imbue any liquid to touch it with magical properties, so long as its owner was pure at heart.

^ I don't do that anymore... my appetite is gone.

^ I'll sell you things, but only because it's all I know how to do.

^ Well go on, buy something, will you?

  • Upon returning:

^ Care to browse my wares?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Come back soon.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ You're a sellsword, aren't you?

^ You're one after my own heart then.

Devara's Light

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, traveler. Would you like to see what I have for sale?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I've seen many wars from my homeland in Taenibir, but here there is no war, only the stifling silence.

^ Could I have ever imagined a silence as stifling as this? I want to shut it out... but how can you shut out silence?

^ How can quiet be so deafening? I heart my heart beat, I hear my blood pump, I even hear the squish of my eyeballs when I look around.

^ But enough of that! Come, I have uplifting things to help you on your quest!

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, traveler. Would you like to see what I have for sale?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Go in peace.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ A sellsword, eh?

The Iron Ones

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Buying or selling? Just here to talk?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I ended up here when a merchant ship I was on wrecked somewhere in the Immrian Sea.

^ I washed ashore with some corpses and some supplies. I'm selling the supplies, but I left the corpses to the crows.

  • Upon returning:

^ Buying or selling? Just here to talk?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Come back soon.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ I was lucky to be such a strong swimmer.

The Stone Roots

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Well hello, traveler.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ Most of the things I have in stock are suited toward scoundrels and murderers...

^ I suppose these health shards I've got won't cause anyone to die...

^ Though you could always smash the end off of one, and shove it in someone's throat. That would work.

  • Upon returning:

^ Well hello, traveler.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Come back soon.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ Ah, an eye keen to poisons and traps, eh?

The House of Splendor

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, fellow connoisseur of fine things!

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ Quite keen of you to have found us.

^ We're quite the secret group, you know, but we hold the most fantastic truth.

^ What truth is it we hold? It's simple: there is no thing greater than splendor.

^ Flesh rots away. It drips from the bone. Everything becomes dust.

^ But gold? Adorn my body in it. When my flesh shears away, I will live on through my gold.

^ Why am I preoccupied with the fleeting nature of flesh? Well, my friend, because it is.

^ We have been afflicted... by Grayrot.

^ Gold is our solace, it is our glorious aegis.

^ The Prophet gave us gold. The Fool gave us wine. Were they men, or gods?

^ Whoever they were, they surely saved this pocket of humanity.

^ Gold gives us light, and wine gives us warmth. How can I mourn my affliction when my heart shines so brightly?

^ Shall we deal in gold, then?

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, fellow connoisseur of fine things!

  • Upon leaving:

^ Seek more gold.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ We don't spread wealth as much as we do the love of wealth.

Keepers of Fire and Sky

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, friend.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ Not too surprising I ended up here, is it?

^ The Citadel of Fire and Sky isn't entirely self-sufficient, and a man like me must make trips now and then to trade.

^ Wouldn't you guess it? While sailing 'cross the sea, I wrecked here.

^ If ever there was a reason to stay home, it's that.

^ The Citadel survives on a few merchants, but now they have to survive on one fewer.

^ Oh well. Shall we do business?

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, friend.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Go in peace.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ A sellsword, eh?

Order of the Betrayer

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Hello, dark traveler.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ The end is so deliciously, wonderfully nigh.

^ Everything I do is to hasten it.

^ The Goddess Devara has already damned us all, and has promised to eradicate those with unforgivable hearts in divine light.

^ But the day of judgment will belong to Her brother, Azredak, our dark lord of chaos.

^ Those of us who cannot be forgiven by Devara find belonging in the tainted heart of Azredak.

^ He is made powerful by suffering, pain, and despair.

^ So we do what we can to spread that which pleases our Dark Master.

^ When enough blood has been shed, our Dark Lord will rise.

^ We shall be saved when the world is plunged into chaos.

^ We share the same goal.

  • Upon returning:

^ Hello, dark traveler.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Come back soon.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ We're all gathering our dark forces, aren't we?

1. General Inventory (All Creeds)

Red Shard

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1


50 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Bell of Return

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1


50 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Salt Seeker's Ring

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lantern Charm

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Pouch of Salt

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Sack of Salt

4000 Gold

Accumulate 4000 Gold

Case of Salt

15000 Gold

Accumulate 15000 Gold


10 Gold

Devotion Level 1


15 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Flintlock Shot

50 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lock of Hair

500 Gold

Devotion Level 3

Endless Fang

500 Gold

Devotion Level 3

2. Creed-Specific Inventory (The Three)

Birian Firepot

100 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Flame Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Officer's Frock Coat

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Officer's Jackboots

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Poison Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 2

A Soldier's Poem

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Hateful Jawbone

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

3. Creed-Specific Inventory (Devara's Light)


120 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Blessed Page

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

4. Creed-Specific Inventory (The Iron Ones)

Birian Firepot

100 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Flame Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Glowing Shot

100 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Dragon's Tooth

25 Gold

Devotion Level 1


120 Gold

Devotion Level 2

A Soldier's Poem

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Hateful Jawbone

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

5. Creed-Specific Inventory (The Stone Roots)


300 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1


20 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Dragon's Tooth

25 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Poison Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Poison Bolt

40 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Tainted Shot

100 Gold

Devotion Level 1

A Soldier's Poem

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Hateful Jawbone

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

6. Creed-Specific Inventory (The House of Splendor)

Birian Firepot

100 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Flame Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Mask of Splendor

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Poison Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 2

Silver Leaf

750 Gold

Devotion Level 2

Amber Idol

2000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

Diamond Cluster

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 4

A Soldier's Poem

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Hateful Jawbone

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

7. Creed-Specific Inventory (Keepers of Fire and Sky)


120 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Blessed Page

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Acolyte's Kontusz

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Acolyte's Gloves

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Acolyte's Boots

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Burning Sky Ring

6500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Storm Ring

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Link of Fire and Sky

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Crystalmoat Ring

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

8. Creed-Specific Inventory (Order of the Betrayer)

Birian Firepot

100 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Flame Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Stained Page

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Grim Headdress

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Grim Justacorps

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Grim Bracelets

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Grim Tassets

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Poison Arrow

30 Gold

Devotion Level 2

Drowned Idol

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

A Soldier's Poem

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Hateful Jawbone

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Drowned Locket

7500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Drowned Censer

15000 Gold

Devotion Level 7
