Stone Mage

"A small stone figure in the form of a wise mage. Offer the Stone Mage to an altar to allow mages to practice craft in the sanctuary. Grants magic potency bonus to sanctuary region."


  • Creates a Mage NPC at a sanctuary, causing the effect "+ Magic Potency" in the sanctuary's associated area.

^ The mage also allows the player to purchase a large assortment of equipment from their inventory.



  • The Festering Banquet (1)

  • The Watching Woods (1)

  • Red Hall of Cages (1)

  • Hager's Cavern (2)

  • Dome of the Forgotten (1)

  • Ziggurat of Dust (1)


The Three

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, traveler.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ My magic is strong, but if you seek the most powerful magic, you must find The Keepers of Fire and Sky.

^ Their numbers are tiny, but their influence is legendary.

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, traveler.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Safe travels.

Devara's Light ???

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ ???

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ ???

  • Upon returning:

^ ???

  • Upon leaving:

^ ???

The Iron Ones

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, fellow traveler.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I used to journey to the East, selling metals.

^ At some point I started taking an interest in the works of the traveling mages from the Citadel in Liven.

^ I couldn't believe some of the stuff I found outside Markdor: glowing forests, furry reptiles, men who summon fire and lightning from nothingness.

^ You know, magic in Markdor is forbidden. I had to keep my life a secret from the city.

^ Here on this island though, I can do what I want. There's no council here.

^ This place is so desperate, but maybe I don't want to leave.

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, fellow traveler.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Safe travels.

The Stone Roots

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Hello, friend.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ It is said that magic entered the forest with Ganwar the Filthy.

^ He was a mage of Fire and Sky. His wizardry was decent, but his hygiene was lacking.

^ Ganwar recorded many spells and incantations in a tome called The Codex Malifinent.

^ It's mostly nonsense, but he recorded a few useful things.

  • Upon returning:

^ Hello, friend.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Be safe, my friend.

The House of Splendor

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ ???

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ ???

  • Upon returning:

^ ???

  • Upon leaving:

^ ???

Keepers of Fire and Sky

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, disciple.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I am a mage, and a Keeper of Fire and Sky.

^ Mages like me have worshipped the Sky, Realm of Divine Fire, for centuries.

^ Fire and Sky are intertwined: Fire is like an ethereal fabric, tangled in Sky. Without Sky, there is no Fire. With Sky, there is always Fire.

^ Drawing from the etherial fabric is the essence of magic.

^ I've spent nearly all of my years in the Citadel in Liven.

^ I was summoned to Kadan as emissary of the Citadel, and as you know, Kadan lies across the Immrian sea.

^ On the boat, in that black sea, the Sky was... different. I've seen the rage of the Sky, but this was a Sky without Fire. The fabric was corrupted.

^ We were shipwrecked. I believe I alone survived.

^ The Sky here is stifled, but the etherial fabric is sufficient.

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, disciple.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Farewell.

Order of the Betrayer

When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings, tainted one.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I am an acolyte of Azredak.

^ I have yielded to the bidding of our Dark God, because His will is the true rule of the world.

^ I was actually once a disciple of Fire and Sky, but... that didn't continue.

^ I came across buried knowledge in our archives. Magic without Fire or Sky...

^ But such things were forbidden, and I was cast out.

^ Through this secret Order, I found a place to study this craft.

^ Studying these dark arts... truly, that is the only important thing left for me.

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings, tainted one.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Farewell.

1. General Inventory

Saltwood Branch

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Scrimshaw Cane

1500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Charged Ring

8000 Gold

Devotion Level 1


500 Gold

Devotion Level 1


800 Gold

Devotion Level 1


5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Flame Orbiters

??? Gold

Defeat the Tree of Men

Lightning Ball

??? Gold

Defeat the Third Lamb


??? Gold

Defeat the Dried King


??? Gold

Defeat the Witch of the Lake

2. Creed-Specific Inventory (The Three)

Arcane Weapon

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 2

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Arc

10,000 Gold

Devotion Level 5

3. Creed-Specific Inventory (Devara's Light) ???

Arcane Weapon

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 2

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

4. Creed-Specific Inventory (The Iron Ones)

Arcane Weapon

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

5. Creed-Specific Inventory (The Stone Roots) ???

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Poison Gas

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Venomous Weapon

??? Gold

Devotion Level 1

6. Creed-Specific Inventory (The House of Splendor)

Arcane Weapon

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 2


??? Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Storm

??? Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Ball

8000 Gold

Devotion Level 4

Flame Barrage

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Flame Orbiters

??? Gold

Devotion Level 5

Lightning Arc

10,000 Gold

Devotion Level 6

Lightning Pod

4000 Gold

Devotion Level 6


5000 Gold

Devotion Level 7

Static Geist

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 7

7. Creed-Specific Inventory (Keepers of Fire and Sky)

Arcane Weapon

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 2


??? Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Storm

??? Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Ball

8000 Gold

Devotion Level 4

Flame Barrage

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Flame Orbiters

??? Gold

Devotion Level 5

Lightning Arc

10,000 Gold

Devotion Level 6

Lightning Pod

4000 Gold

Devotion Level 6


5000 Gold

Devotion Level 7

Static Geist

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 7

8. Creed-Specific Inventory (Order of the Betrayer)

Arcane Weapon

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Dark Arrows

??? Gold

Devotion Level 1

Dark Coil

500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Dark Reach

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Dark Swarm

6500 Gold

Devotion Level 1

Lightning Bolt

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 2


??? Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Barrage

1000 Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Storm

??? Gold

Devotion Level 3

Lightning Ball

8000 Gold

Devotion Level 4

Flame Barrage

2500 Gold

Devotion Level 5

Flame Orbiters

??? Gold

Devotion Level 5

Lightning Arc

10,000 Gold

Devotion Level 6

Lightning Pod

4000 Gold

Devotion Level 6


5000 Gold

Devotion Level 7

Static Geist

5000 Gold

Devotion Level 7
