Stone Alchemist

"A small stone figure in the form of a mysterious alchemist. Offer the Stone Alchemist to an altar to summon an alchemist to the sanctuary. Grants magic resistance bonus to sanctuary region."


  • Creates an Alchemist NPC at a sanctuary, causing the effect "+ Elemental Defenses" in the sanctuary's associated area

^ The alchemist allows the player to transmute their weapons and armors into new equipment

^ The player must have the required components before the alchemist will show the player the options available for their respective equipment pieces


  • Sunken Keep (1)

  • Red Hall of Cages (1)

  • Dome of the Forgotten (1)

  • Cran's Pass (1)

  • Salt Alkymancery (1)


The Three

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ In need of transmutation?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I can transform pretty much anything, I just need the right alchemical ingredients.

  • Upon returning:

^ In need of transmutation?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Keep your wits about you out there.

Devara's Light

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Hello, friend. Shall we transmute your gear?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I'm an alchemist; I use alchemical ingredients to transform weapons and armor.

^ I believe it is by Devara's grace that such miracles are possible.

  • Upon returning:

^ Hello, friend. Shall we transmute your gear?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Gather good things. I'll make your weapons sing.

The Iron Ones

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Greetings. Shall we mold metal?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ Alchemy was a dead art, but this island somehow breathes new life into it.

^ I can transform things, but only with the right alchemical ingredients.

  • Upon returning:

^ Greetings. Shall we mold metal?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Bring me more alchemical ingredients.

The Stone Roots

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Heh. Hi there.

  • If the player is not a Stone Root:

^ Oh, a stranger comes to this mossy belly of a tree.

^ No worries, I'll set you straight.

^ Have you ever met a Woodswraith?

  • If the player answers yes:

^ You have! Heh.

^ The spirits of the forest welcome wayward souls like you.

^ Maybe you held some gods at some point, heh. No point, traveler. Gods are an unpleasant, unwelcome thing. Shrug 'em off.

^ You may have heard that we're not trustworthy. That's a lie... sort of.

  • If the player answers no:

^ Well, well, well.

^ I'm a Stone Root, or, as some call me, a Woodswraith.

^ For thousands of years we've stayed in the forest. Our allegiance has always been to the spirits of the woods. Men have invented, praised, and died for countless fleeting gods and demons, but our forest is forever.

^ The worst of our reputation most likely comes from our love of poisons.

^ But, my friend, poison is a wondrous thing.

^ Poison, like the forest, seeps through the realm of man, spreading, corrupting, invading, until all is reduced to earth. Man is truly a wretched thing, and the forest is committed to expunging him from existence.

^ But Woodswraiths protect the forest, so the forest protects us.

^ You want to be a Woodswraith?

^ Want to cast off the shackles of false gods and bask in the poisonous shadows of the forest?

^ Approach the altar. Take the oath.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ Every alchemy requires four things: an Original, an Ingredient, a Catalyst, and salt.

^ An Original is the thing we're performing alchemy upon. Could be a sword, axe, whatever.

^ An Ingredient is what determines the result, and usually contains some remnants of life and memory. Ears are my favorites.

^ A Catalyst is what drives the reaction. Catalysts are usually the hardest parts to come across, but they're oddly common here.

^ And salt is salt. Salt powers the reaction, and is consumed in the process.

^ I know all sorts of alchemy, but on the continents I wasn't able to practice nearly as much of it as I do now.

  • Upon returning:

^ Heh. Hi there.

  • Upon leaving:

^ Hehe.

The House of Splendor

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Like to dabble in alchemy?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I don't often visit the outside world. We're... not welcome there.

^ Being apart from the outside world gives me the solitude I need to focus on my craft.

  • Upon returning:

^ Like to dabble in alchemy?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Visit again, if you choose.

Keepers of Fire and Sky

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Hello there.

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ The Keepers of Fire and Sky have often studied the alchemical arts.

^ I can use alchemical ingredients from this island to transmute anything you like.

^ It can get a bit... grisly. But the result is always worth the effort.

  • Upon returning:

^ Hello there.

  • Upon leaving:

^ So long.

Order of the Betrayer

  • When the player speaks with the NPC for the first time:

^ Fusing metal and magics, then?

  • If the player chooses the "Talk" option:

^ I've always been a bit of an alchemist, even if the trade comes second to my main calling: sowing the seeds of discord, my friend.

  • Upon returning:

^ Fusing metal and magics, then?

  • Upon leaving:

^ Farewell.