Wiki Progress

Hello, Lemon here. Good to see you.

Sorry for the delay, it takes a lot of work to get something like this up and running. Feel free to poke around while I clean up the place. Mind the pointy bits, they're sharp.

I'm going as fast as I can to import all the data I have, but in case you were wondering how far along we are in this journey to create a complete wikipedia for this wonderful game, here's a few status updates:

Overall Wiki: ~89%

Character Info: 100.0%

Bestiary: 100.0%

World Info: 50.0%

Equipment: 92.5.0%

Items: 99.0%

Guides: 100.0%

The overall progress. When this reaches 100%, I can finally sleep.

All done.

Should be fully complete.

Might need to redo the maps, and definitely need new NPC pics.

Little touch ups, but really just have Armor numbers left.

Just need to confirm some information. Otherwise complete!

Unless someone has other concerns or topics, we're done here.

To anyone who has helped me along the way to making this project a reality, you have my sincere thanks. To anyone who utilizes this project once it is completed, I hope my struggles were not in vain. And to anyone wondering why I would do such a thing to myself...well...I'll get back to you on that one.