Oceanic Anoxic Events

OAEs is one of the feedbacks in the carbon cycle. They reduce carbon from the Earth's surface environment by promoting organic carbon burial. We are investigating the causes of OAEs and their impact on metazoa, environments, and the carbon cycle. 

Widespread occurrences of organic-rich sediments during the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Concurrent large igneous provinces (LIPs) and arc volcanisms are shown together.

Significant increase in organic matter preservation via sulfurization when water columns become sulfidic. An increase in organic burial results in pCO2 reduction and positive excursion of carbon isotope.

The appearance of anoxygenic phototrophs when water columns become sulfidic. Carotenoid biomarkers are indicative of sulfidic water columns. br-GSB, brown-colored green sulfur bacteria. gr-GSB, green-colored GSB. PSB, purple sulfur bacteria.

Related Publication: Coming soon!