My Health

What can you do now to help ensure a healthy future?


Staying Active

Worried about staying active as you age? Edmonton offers a variety of recreational activities at recreation centres across the city. The City of Edmonton has a complete listing of programs on its website and you can always call 311 within Edmonton for more information. Click here to visit the City of Edmonton Recreation for Seniors page.

Members of Sage's Zumba Gold Class

Staying active is a huge part of staying healthy throughout your life. Here are some tips:

  • Find an activity you like! Staying active is easier when the activity is something that you enjoy.
  • Minutes count — increase your activity level 10 minutes at a time. Every little bit helps.
  • Active time can be social time — look for group activities or classes in your community, or get your family or friends to be active with you.

Click here to visit the Government of Canada website for more information!

Healthcare Resources

Looking for a list of Healthcare and Wellbeing resources? Just want to browse? Sage has an excellent list of resources that is available for downloading and printing. Take a look through the table of contents on the right for what you can expect to find in this resource. Click here to access the document.

Sage has also launched a new Health Services program in partnership with University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing program. Drop in or make an appointment from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, at Sage Seniors Association for the same services you would expect from a medical centre.

Click here for more information on the Sage's new Health Services program.

Don't have a doctor you like to regularly visit? Not a problem!

As Albertans we have access to various Health Services:

Being Proactive with your Physical and Mental Health

It's important to be proactive with your health and it's never too early to think about a cancer screening. Click Here to visit the Canadian Cancer Website for some tools and resources on early cancer detection.

There are many resources to assist individuals who experience symptoms of depression/anxiety. For example, in Edmonton you can call the Addiction and Mental Health helpline at 780-342-7777 or learn more about depression by clicking here.

Managing Medication

Watch the video below to learn about safe medication management.

Click here to see a useful Tip Sheet from on the five questions you should ask about your medications.

Finding the Medication Tracker that is right for you!

There a ton of different applications that can be downloaded onto your electronic devices to help remind you to take your medications, appointments, and other pills. Click here for a list of some well reviewed medication tracking applications for iPhone and Android.

Help at home

Remember to plan ahead. There are a range of services available for in-home health care. Take the time to understand where you may be able to receive additional help at home, and all that is involved.