Mandatory Reporting

Mandatory Reporting

What is a mandatory reporter?

A mandatory reporter is someone who is required by law to report any suspicions of abuse.

Who is a mandatory reporter in schools?

A mandatory reporter in schools are school officials and employees. This includes, teachers, principals, counselors, etc... This counts for all public and private schools.

*A mandatory reporter is not just someone who works in a school. Mandatory reporters are also anyone in health-care services such as:

  • Nurses

  • Doctors

  • Surgeons

  • Optomitrists

  • And more

What does this mean for me, as a student?

This means that if you tell a teacher, counselor, principle, etc... that you have been sexually harassed or assaulted than they have to report it, even if you do not want them to.

For more information on what is mandatory reporter is, here is a link to a webite for more details: