
Medical Needs

If you need to seek emergency medical care, stop and call 911. If you need to be checked out, please go to any urgent care, emergency room, or doctor that you are comfortable going to.

If you have been sexually assaulted and need to receive medical care for pregnancy, STDs, or anything else, please do so. Most victims will receive compensation for their exams and visit if they receive care within 72 hours of the assault. Here are some websites with information on how to receive medical care to properly help with these particular topics. *Usually there is a state required forensic compliance order which entails the collection of evidence during a forensic exam and as said there is a Sexual Assault Victim Emergency Payment Program. Links to these specifically will also be provided below.

Forensic Compliance in Colorado:

SAVE Information:

This SAVE program will pay for any routine costs that are associated with obtaining a medical forensic exam.

Medical Exam Payment Request Form:

A victim can decide to report to law enforcement after receiving the medical exam at a later time, not immediately. However, any and all medical bills that will need to be paid after having reported to law enforcement will most likely be paid through the crime victim compensation, not the SAVE program.

Here is a link to more information for that:

For more information on how Medical Forensic Exams are paid for, look to the image below.

*All information about the MFE and SAVE Program was found through the link provided:

This is a great resource to visit for any logistical and monetary questions about exams in Colorado.