Training and Education

The training and education resourses produced at the RSG-Brazil to its community is  elaborated by the Educational Committe, a task force to promotes local  education and training in computational biology by providing guidance and support for educational resources and community activities. We based our activies aligned with the standarts of the ISCB Education Community of Special Interest. This committee seeks to identify the needs amongside the community and design training to the target the audice. The RSG-Brazil Educational Committe was established in 2019, offering opportunities and strategies for bioinformatics traning to local community - contact us with suggestions for future workshops.


  - Announcement -

The Educational Committee from ISCB Brazil Regional Student Group (RSG-Brazil) is carrying out a survey of the needs for complementary training for Brazilian bioinformaticians.

In the near future, we will be offering courses and therefore, we invite you to answer a short questionnaire, designed directly for our target audience. Completing this questionnaire is quick and takes less than 5 minutes.

If possible, I would like to ask you to forward this forms through your contact list so that we can better assess the needs of our community.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email:, so we can resolve them as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

RSG-Brazil Educational Committee

Próximos cursos

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Últimos cursos

🔬🧬 Prepare-se para uma jornada emocionante no mundo da Bioinformática! 🎉

📢 Você já ouviu falar em Bioinformática? Quer explorar essa fascinante interseção entre Biologia e Tecnologia?

💡 Então não perca tempo e embarque conosco no curso de Introdução à Bioinformática (Bioinfo 101), uma parceria entre a RSG-Brazil e a AB3C!

📅 Quando: A partir de 10/05, durante três semanas, com duas aulas (ao vivo) por semana.

🖊️ Curso composto por 06 módulos com CH de 3h cada, totalizando 20h

🎖️ Certificados Individuais Por módulo. Certificado adicional de 20h na aquisição do curso completo.

🕐 Horário das aulas: Das 9h às 11h e das 14h às 16h (Horário Local).

📍 Onde: Online, através da plataforma StreamYard.

💳 Investimento: R$ 50,00 (cada módulo individual) ou R$ 200,00 pacote com os 06 módulos.

🔍 O que você vai aprender:

- Conceitos essenciais de Bioinformática.

- Exploração de bases de dados.

- Análise Bioinformática Estrutural.

- E muito mais!

👥 Quem deve participar: Estudantes e profissionais de Biologia, Bioquímica, Biomedicina, Informática e áreas correlatas, interessados em mergulhar nesse campo em expansão!


💥 Minicurso de Orquestramento de Pipeline com Airflow! 🧬

Aprenda a organizar e aperfeiçoar seu fluxo de trabalho e eleve sua carreira de bioinformata para um novo nível!

🧑🏻‍💻 Ministrante:

PhD, Neli da Fonseca Junior

Senior Scientific Programmer & Codebase Manager

European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) (🇬🇧)

🔎 Você irá aprender sobre o funcionamento e construção de:

- DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs)

- Operators

- Tasks

- Instâncias

- E muito mais!

📆 Quando: Dia 10/06, das 16h às 18h (BRT).

📍 Local: On-line, pela plataforma StreamYard e canais do YouTube da RSG-Brazil e AB3C.

🥇 Com emissão de certificado.

🎁 Minicurso GRATUITO!

Não perca esta chance de desbravar a bioinformática com experts na área! 📢


💥 Minicurso de Análise de Single-Cell RNA-Seq! 🧬

Aprenda sobre a análise que têm revolucionado o mundo da bioinformática: Single-Cell RNA-seq!

👩🏻‍💻 Ministrante:

PhD, Cristal Villalba

Baylor College of Medicine (🇺🇸)

🔎 O que você irá aprender:

- Como integrar dados de scATAC-seq e scRNA-seq;

- Como integrar scRNA-seq com MERFISH (análises espaciais);

- Como realizar análises ainda mais robustas: motifs, regiões diferencialmente acessíveis e fatores de transcrição específicos para cada tipo celular;

- E muito mais!

📆 Quando: Dia 10/06, às 16:30 (BRT).

📍 Local: On-line, pela plataforma StreamYard e canais do YouTube da RSG-Brazil e AB3C.

🥇 Com emissão de certificado.

🎁 Minicurso GRATUITO!

Não perca esta chance de desbravar a bioinformática com experts na área! 📢 

📝 Garanta já a sua vaga! 

Para mais informações, entre em contato pelo e-mail


Docking is the computational study of biomolecules used to simulate the positioning of 3D structures of ligands in receptors based on computational modeling. Such studies are widely used in the discovery of new targets and medicines, widely applied in medicine, technology and innovation, promoting insights into molecular recognition. Based on the development of the area in recent years, advances in simulated studies have helped the discovery of new drug targets, including the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, a fact that has revolutionized the field of simulated studies of protein structures. In this course, the Brazilian Regional Student Council (RSG-Brazil), affiliated with the Student Council of the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB-SC), with the support of the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB), offers the community the course: Introduction modeling, docking and molecular dynamics - Focus on Neglected Diseases, as part of the program of the 7th Symposium of the Brazilian Regional Student Council in Computational Biology. By focusing on the theme of the 7th BR-SCS and the Introduction Course on modeling, docking and molecular dynamics (Focus on Neglected Diseases), it is justified by the critical impact that these diseases have on the health of populations in tropical and third world countries. Neglected, often ignored diseases have a disproportionately severe effect in these regions, especially among the most economically vulnerable communities. The main drivers of this unequal impact arise from the challenges of concentrated poverty, leading to inadequate access to basic needs such as clean water, sanitation and adequate housing. These diseases are historically neglected and marginalized in the developing world. As a result, they have remained disregarded in global health discussions and interventions. Due to general neglect, mitigating Neglected Diseases has been a challenge, as the achievement of such health actions depends on translating little basic research into practical efforts. By centralizing the focus of the 7th BR-SCS on neglected diseases, we seek to align ourselves with these initiatives by promoting lectures by computational biology researchers who have notable scientific production in the area of neglected diseases. We intend to contribute to the training of students in the area of bioinformatics and promote the discussion of this emerging topic.
