6th BR-SCS

The ISCB Regional Student Group - Brazil (RSG-Brazil) will be holding the 6th Brazilian Student Council Symposium (6th BR-SCS 2021) with the theme: Omics and Data Science. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will hold this event as a virtual meeting in October 25th and 26th, 2021. 


Oral presentation Poster presentation Registration, Streaming and Certificates Speakers

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October 25 - Omics


Jonathan Sebat - University of California San Diego (UCSD) 

Has pioneered the studies of Structural Variation in the human genome. These studies have led to the discovery of widespread copy number variation in the human genome and have served to elucidate the role of rare spontaneous mutations in neuropsychiatric disorders. His ongoing research focuses on the comprehensive characterization of genetic variation in neuropsychiatric disorders by whole genome sequencing.


Nicola Segata - University of Trento

Nicola Segata is a Full Professor and Principal Investigator. His background is in metagenomics, machine learning, microbiome research, and microbial genomics. He started and he is leading the Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics at the Department CIBIO (University of Trento). Works in the fields of human microbiome research and computational biology. His team uses experimental metagenomic tools and novel computational approaches to study the diversity of the human microbiome and its cross-talk with the human body in health and disease.


Aline M. da Silva - University of Sao Paulo

She is a graduate in Pharmacy and PhD in Biochemistry. She was a researcher at the Center for Biotechnology at the Butantan Institute (1987-1990). Since 1991, she has been a faculty member in the Department of Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry at the University of São Paulo. Her research area is biochemistry, molecular biology, and genomics of microorganisms. The research group she leads investigates the virulence and adaptation mechanisms of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, which colonizes and causes diseases in various plants such as orange trees, grapevines, and olive trees. In another line of work, they investigate the diversity and dynamics of microbial communities in natural and engineered environments through metagenomic approaches. More recently, the scope of research in their group has been expanded to the discovery of new bacteriophages with potential application in phage therapy and the study of mechanisms involved in phage-bacteria interactions.

October 26 - Data Science

Anna Kreshuk - EMBL Heidelberg, Germany


Alexandre Paschoal - Federal University of Technology Parana, Brazil

With a strong background in mathematics and computer science, Alexandre Paschoal is currently an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) in Brazil. Has an extensive academic history, including a bachelor's degree in Mathematics with Computer Science, specialized degrees in Educational Informatics and Linux Network Administration, a Master's degree in Computational Modeling with a focus on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, and a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from the University of São Paulo. He also conducted postdoctoral research in bioinformatics at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Research primarily revolves around machine learning, data mining, data integration, and computational modeling of biological information. He specifically focuses on non-coding RNAs and their role in computational biology, in addition to is the coordinator of the Academic Master's Program in Bioinformatics (PPGBIOINFO) and is associated with various bioinformatics projects and databases.

Alexander Goncearenco - VantAI, Roivant Sciences

With a degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Computational Biology, he has experience in the areas of genomic data analysis, molecular modeling and the development of algorithms for the analysis of complex biological data. From 2013 to 2020, he studied and worked at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)



Best oral presentation: R$200*

Most popular poster: R$100*

* Cash is in local currency: Brazilian Real, and it doesn't include bank or transfer fees.


All the accepted abstracts were published together in a proceedings, that can be accessed here.


To receive the certificate of participation, it was necessary to fill in a form. The form was only available during the event.

It was sent 40 days after the event.

If you do not receive it after this date, please contact us via e-mail: symposium.rsg.brazil@gmail.com 

Event recording

The event was broadcasted on RSG Brazil's YouTube channel and was available to watch only during the event, then it was deleted.

However, you can click here watch the oral presentations and here for posters.

Omics and Data Science

In the last decades, omics technologies have been extensively used to explore information from the components of the central dogma of molecular biology. The term “omics” comprises genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, as well as metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. Among the different omics branches, genomics was the first one to be developed, and refers to the study of genomes, their structure, function, and evolution. Transcriptomics studies the collection of RNA molecules in a cell, tissue or organism in a given condition, allowing the analysis of gene expression. Proteomics characterizes the whole protein content of a cell in terms of expression, structure, functions, interaction, and protein modifications. Metabolomics, in turn, involves the analysis of metabolites in an organism. Omics sciences have very diverse applications, ranging from environmental to clinical approaches. This includes the discovery of new genes, transcripts, proteins, metabolites, as well as the investigation of functions, structures, and pathways. Metagenomics, for instance, has been also revealing new species. In a general way, omics are fundamental to build scientific knowledge from genetic information. We propose to bring new discussions around these topics for people to update their information and make contributions to the area. 

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract information and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. The field covers data preparation for analysis, data analysis, formulation of data science problems, development of data-based solutions and presentation of results. That is why it covers several areas such as mathematics, statistics, information science, computer science, complex systems, data integration, and information visualization. Data science is essential for any sector in the world today, due to the huge amounts of data that are produced daily. In bioinformatics and computational biology, this is not different.When sequencing and analyzing, we generate gigabyte or terabyte quantities from just one organism or a collection. The amount of metagenomic expression data sequence deposition is growing more and more. Learning how to implement data science techniques to expand the possibility of working with this data, as well as obtaining biological information is increasingly essential. The possibility of extracting this data from the results obtained, or even using a database, has been increasingly challenging. There are several methodologies and algorithms within data science that can support the scientific question or be the question itself in that biological data. We intend to present part of this proposal structure. To those who do not know, become familiar and add to those who work on new ideas, assisting in the production of knowledge as well as in the propagation of information.


Chair: Elvira Horácio

Chair: Rayana Feltrin

Support: Letícia Lima

If you have any questions regarding the event, send an email to: symposium.rsg.brazil@gmail.com