Oral presentation

Oral presentations are going to be broadcasted during the event followed by the award for the best presentation. Follow up!


The students must send a video presentation in mp4 format with 9 to 12 minutes. This time limit is strictly enforced. The number of oral presentations are limited due to space constraints. The oral presentation will followed by 2-3 minutes for live question and answer. 

Video Requirements:

- The presenter needs to appear on the screen;

- If possible, put subtitles;

- We strongly advise you to have an introduction, objectives, methodology, results. and conclusion;

- We kindly ask that on the last presentation slide, usually the thank you slide, you put the symposium logo and your contact so that people can get in touch if they want.

Criteria for best oral presentation:

As this is a student event, we aim to train and improve participants as professionals. For this reason, we are making it clear here what the evaluators will look at with greater weight in their work.

1 - The project presents a well-defined scientific question.

2 - The methodology is appropriate and correctly applied

3 - The results are likely to expand the frontier of knowledge in the area and, therefore, have a relevant scientific impact.

4 - The student demonstrated mastery of the topic, with a clear and convincing presentation.

5 - Creative and well-formulated slides.

Submission of the abstract

Deadline: you have until November 21st (Sunday).

 Submission of the video 

Deadline: you have until November 26st (Friday).

Access the forms that was sent by e-mail.