Community Mental Health Teams


Exploring the Contribution of the Social Work Role in Community Mental Health Teams for Working Age Adults and Older People

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This mixed method study was funded by NIHR SSCR and designed to investigate the role of social workers in community mental health teams (CMHTs). It consisted of three inter-dependent work packages.

  • The characteristics and experiences of CMHT service users supported by social workers, as compared to other CMHT practitioners were explored through a mix of case audit and postal survey research.

  • Social worker and other practitioner perspectives were obtained through focus groups and survey methods.

  • The value service users place on social worker functions was canvassed through a stated preference study.

All the work packages were informed by a Lay Reference Group. This study took place between October 2016 and April 2019. More information is available on the NIHR SSCR website project page.


Boland J, Abendstern M, Wilberforce M, Pitts R, Hughes J. and Challis D. (2019). Mental health social work in multidisciplinary community teams: An analysis of a national service user survey. Journal of Social Work, 21(1): 3-25.

Wilberforce M, Abendstern M, Batool S, Challis D, Christian J, Hughes J, Kinder P, Lake-Jones P, Mistry M, Pitts R. and Roberts D. (2019). What do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best-Worst Scaling Analysis. British Journal of Social Work. 50(5)1324-1344.

Abendstern, M., Hughes, J., Wilberforce, M., Davies, K., Pitts, R., Batool, S., Robinson, C. and Challis, D., 2020. Perceptions of the social worker role in adult community mental health teams in England Qualitative Social Work.

Abendstern, M., Wilberforce, M., Hughes, J., Arandelovic, A., Batool, S., Boland, J., Pitt’s, R. and Challis, D., 2021. The social worker in community mental health teams: Findings from a national survey. Journal of Social Work.

Studies of Old Age Psychiatry Services in England

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This work consisted of two projects which explored old age psychiatry services in England.

Study 1

Aimed to identify the patterns of organisation and working of old age psychiatry services in England, as a key component of integrated care for older people with mental health problems. Three main features were evaluated: patterns of professional roles; community orientation; and degree of service integration. A comparison was also made between services in England and Northern Ireland to examine the impact of integration on the operation of old age mental health services. The work was funded by the NHS Exec North West between 1999 and 2005.


Challis DJ, Reilly S, Hughes J, Burns AS, Gilchrist H, Wilson K. (2002). Policy, organisation and practice of specialist old age psychiatry in England. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 1018-1026.

Reilly S, Challis DJ, Burns AS, Hughes J. (2003). Does integration really make a difference? A comparison of old age psychiatry services in England and Northern Ireland. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(10), 887-93.

Reilly S, Challis DJ, Burns AS, Hughes J. (2004). The use of assessment scales in Old Age Psychiatry Services in England and Northern Ireland. Aging Ment Health, 8(3), 249-55.

Study 2

This study was commissioned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2005 and incorporated a survey of clinicians specialising in the mental health of older people. It was designed to provide a view of the way in which mental health services for older people have responded to the proposals for change outlined in the NSFOP. The aim of the study was to explore these developments in three areas: the nature of the work undertaken by staff in mental health services for older people; the range of services available to older people with mental health problems in other sectors of the NHS; and the pace of service development.


Tucker S, Baldwin R, Hughes J, Benbow S, Barker A, Burns A, Challis DJ. (2007). Old age mental health services in England: implementing the National Service Framework for Older People. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 22( 3), 211-7.

Tucker SE, Baldwin RC, Hughes J, Benbow S, Barker A, Burns AS, Challis DJ. (2009). Integrating mental health services for older people in England - From rhetoric to reality. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23 (4),

National Trends and Local Delivery in Old Age Mental Health Services: Community Mental Health Teams for Older People

(Chief Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This study was undertaken between 2007 and 2012 and was part of a 5-year NIHR funded Programme Grant. Community mental health teams for older people are a key element of policy strategies for developing old age mental health services. However, there is only limited evidence as to whether different ways of working in teams are associated with better outcomes for patients and service users. This study was designed to identify and clarify the range of different models of community mental health teams and to provide an evaluation of their relative costs and benefits.

Research Summaries

Final Report


Wilberforce, M., Harrington, V., Brand, C., Tucker, S., Abendstern, M., and Challis D. (2011). Towards integrated community mental health teams for older people in England: progress and new insights. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26(3), 221-228.

Abendstern, M., Harrington, V., Brand, C., Tucker, S., Wilberforce, M., and Challis, D. (2012). Variations in structures, processes and outcomes of community mental health teams for older people: a systematic review of the literature. Aging and Mental Health, 16(7), 861-873.

Abendstern, M., Brand, C., Harrington, V., Jasper, R., Tucker, S., Wilberforce, M., Challis, D. (2014). CMHTs for older people: team managers' views surveyed. Journal of Integrated Care. 22(5/6), 229-240.

Abendstern, M., Tucker, S., Wilberforce, M., Jasper, R., Brand, C., Challis, D. (2014). Social Workers as members of community mental health teams for older people: What is the added value? British Journal of Social Work, 46(1), 63-80.

Tucker S, Wilberforce M, Brand C, Abendstern M. and Challis D. All things to all people? The provision of outreach by community mental health teams for older people in England: findings from a national survey. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 29(5): 489-496.

Tucker S, Wilberforce M, Brand C, Abendstern M, Crook A, Jasper R, Stewart K. and Challis D. (2015). Community mental health teams for older people: variations in case mix and service receipt (1). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 30(6): 595-604.

Wilberforce M, Tucker S, Brand C, Abendstern M, Jasper R, Stewart K. and Challis D. (2015). Community mental health teams for older people: variations in case mix and service receipt (II). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(6): 605-613.

Wilberforce, M., Tucker, S., Brand, C., Abendstern, M., Jasper, R., Challis, C. (2016). Is integrated care associated with service costs and admission rates to institutional settings? An observational study of community mental health teams for older people in England. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(11):1208-1216.

Abenstern M, Tucker S, Wilberforce M, Jasper R. and Challis D. (2017). Occupational therapists in community mental health teams for older people in England: Findings form a five-year research programme. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 80(1): 20-29.

Wilberforce M, Abendstern M, Tucker S, Ahmed S, Jasper R. and Challis D. (2017). Support workers in community mental health teams for older people: roles, boundaries, supervision and training. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 73(7), 1657-1666.

Verbeek, H, Worden, A, Wilberforce, M, Brand, C, Tucker, S, Abendstern, M. and Challis, D. 2018. Community mental health teams for older people in England: Variations in ways of working. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 33(3), 475-481.

Jasper R, Wilberforce M, Abendstern M, Tucker S. and Challis D. (2019). Support Workers in Community Mental Health Teams for Older People: Exploring Sources of Satisfaction and Stress. Journal of Long-Term Care, 2, 111-118.

Professional Community-Based Teams for Older People in the Northwest of England (Mapping Specialist Dementia Services in Northwest England)

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This study was part of a wider programme or work mapping survey of dementia services in the Northwest of England. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was: to identify all specialist services/teams involved in the delivery of care for people with dementia and their carers in the Northwest of England; and to describe in detail the pattern of variation, substitution and complementarity between services and areas in the region. The study was funded by the NHS Exec North West from 1999 to 2005.



Abendstern M, Reilly S, Hughes J, Venables D, Challis DJ. (2006). Levels of integration and specialisation within professional community teams for people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21, 77-85.