Care Coordination


Care Management in Dementia Care

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This study, funded by the Department of Health PRP, evaluated a care management service for older people with dementia, based in a multidisciplinary community mental health team.


Challis, D. von Abendorff, R. Brown, P. Chesterman, J. & Hughes, J. (2002). Care management, dementia care and specialist mental health services: an evaluation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 315-325.

Challis, D. Sutcliffe, C. Hughes, J. von Abendorff, R. Brown, P. & Chesterman, J. (2009) Supporting People with Dementia at Home. Aldershot: Ashgate

Challis, D. Sutcliffe, C. Hughes, J. von Abendorff, R. Brown, P. & Chesterman, J. (2016) Supporting People with Dementia at Home. Routledge: London

Care Management Arrangements for Older People and those with Mental Health Problems

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This programme of research, undertaken by PSSRU and funded by the Department of Health PRP (1998 to 2006), aimed to identify the distinctive characteristics of different care management arrangements and discriminate between these in terms of their structures, processes and outcomes, in order to identify differences in their relative costs and benefits.

There was significant variation in care management arrangements across England, with very little evidence of the presence of intensive care management or integration of health and social care at this level. A number of studies have been published covering the variation in patterns of care management: the extent to which different models can be identified; integrated care; and balance of care.

Research Summaries


Challis DJ, Darton R, Hughes J, Stewart KJ, Weiner K. (2001). Intensive care management at home: an alternative to institutional care? Age and Ageing, 30, 409-413.

Challis DJ, Weiner K, Darton R, Hughes J, Stewart KJ. (2001). Emerging patterns of care management: Arrangements for older people in England. Social Policy and Administration, 35, 6, 672-687.

Hughes J, Stewart KJ, Challis DJ, Darton R, Weiner K. (2001). Care management and the care programme approach: Towards integration in old age mental health services. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16 ,3, 266-272.

Challis DJ, Hughes J. (2002). Frail older people at the margins of care: some recent research findings. British Journal Of Psychiatry, 180, 126-130.

Weiner K, Stewart KJ, Hughes J, Challis DJ, Darton R. (2002). Care Management Arrangements for Older People in England: key areas of variation in a national study. Ageing and Society, 22, 4, 419-439.

Challis, D, Chesterman, J, Luckett, R,. Stewart, K. and Chessum, R. (2003) Care Management in Social and Primary Health Care: The Gateshead Community Care Scheme, Aldershot: Ashgate

Stewart KJ, Hughes J, Challis DJ, Darton R, Weiner K. (2003). Care Management for Older People: Access, Targeting and the Balance between Assessment, Monitoring and Review. Research Policy and Planning, 21,3, 13-22.

Weiner K, Hughes J, Challis DJ, Pedersen I. (2003). Integrating health and social care at the micro level: health care professionals as care managers for older people. Social Policy and Administration, 37, 498-515.

Venables D, Hughes J, Stewart KJ, Challis DJ. (2005). Variations in Care Management Arrangements for People with Mental Health Problems in England. Care Management Journals, 6, 3, 131-138.

Challis DJ, Jacobs SR, Hughes J, Stewart KJ, Venables D, Kate Weiner. (2005). Are Different Forms of Care Management Associated with Variations in Case-Mix, Service Use and Care Managers Time Use in Mental Health Services? Research Policy and Planning, 23, 71-85.

Hughes J, Stewart KJ, Challis DJ, Jacobs SR, Venables D, Weiner Kate. (2005). Exploring the factors influencing care management arrangements in adult mental health services in England. Research, Policy and Planning, 23, 31-42.

Jacobs SR, Hughes J, Challis DJ, Stewart KJ, Kate Weiner. (2006). Care managers' time use: differences between community mental health and older people’s services in the United Kingdom. Care Management Journals, 7, 169-178.

Jacobs SR, Hughes J, Challis DJ, Stewart KJ, Weiner K. (2006). From Care Management to Case Management: What can the NHS learn from the Social Care Experience? Journal of Integrated Care, 14, 3, 22-31.

Venables D, Hughes J, Reilly S, Stewart KJ, Challis DJ. (2006). Patterns of Care Management Arrangements for People with Mental Health Problems in England. Australian Journal of Case Management, 7, 2, 3-9.

Challis DJ, Stewart KJ, Donnelly M, Weiner K, Hughes J. (2006). Care Management for Older People: Does Integration make a difference? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20, 335-48.

Challis DJ, Hughes J, Jacobs SR, Stewart KJ, Kate Weiner. (2007). Are different forms of care-management for older people in England associated with variations in case-mix, service use and care-managers; use of time? Ageing and Society, 27, 25-48.

Jacobs S, Challis DJ. (2007). Assessing the impact of care management in the community: associations between key organisational components and service outcomes. Age Ageing, 36(3), 336-9.

Reilly S, Challis DJ, Donnelly M, Hughes J, Stewart KJ. (2007). Care management in mental health services in England and Northern Ireland: do integrated organizations promote integrated practice? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 12, 236-241.

Tucker SE, Hughes J, Sutcliffe CL, Challis DJ. (2008). Care Management for Older People with mental health problems: From evidence to practice. Australian Health Review, 32, 210-222.

Sutcliffe C, Hughes J, Chester H, Xie C, and Challis D. (2010) Changing patterns of care coordination within old age services in England. Care Management Journals, 11, 3, 157-166.

Hughes J, Chester H, Sutcliffe C, Xie C. and Challis D. (2015) Care Coordination for Older People: an exploratory framework. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults. 16(3): 130-139.

Chester H, Hughes J, Sutcliffe C, Xie C. and Challis D. (2015) Exploring Patterns of Care Coordination within Services for Older People. International Journal of Care Coordination, 18(1): 5-17.

Challis, D, Darton, R. and Stewart, K. (eds) (2020) Community Care, Secondary Health Care and Care Management. London: Routledge.

Challis, D, Chesterman, J, Luckett, R,. Stewart, K. and Chessum, R. (2020) Care Management in Social and Primary Health Care: The Gateshead Community Care Scheme, London: Routledge

Self-Care and Case Management in Long Term Conditions

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

Case management has been identified as a means of supporting people with long term conditions who have frequent episodes of unplanned hospital admissions. If case management is to be effective it requires not only effective identification of the most appropriate population but also mechanisms to enable people to leave case management and receive less intensive support. One of these is self-care and this study, funded by the NIHR SDO programme from 2007 until 2009, was designed to identify the relationship between case management and self-care.

Final Report


Berzins, K.M., Reilly, S., Abell, J., Hughes, J. and Challis D.J. (2009). UK self-care support initiatives for older patients with long-term conditions: a review. Chronic Illness, 5, 56-72.

Reilly, S., Hughes, J. and Challis, D. (2010). Case management for long-term conditions: implementation and processes. Ageing and Society, 30, 125-155.

Challis, D., Hughes, J., Berzins, K., Reilly, S., Abell, J. and Stewart, K. (2011) Implementation of case management in long-term conditions in England: survey and case studies. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 18, suppl, 1 April, 8-13.

Hughes, J., Reilly, S., Berzins, K., Abell, J., Stewart, K. and Challis, D. (2011) Emergent approaches to care coordination in England: exploring the evidence from two national organizations. Care Management Journals, 12, 4, 194-201.

Evaluating the Implementation of Active Case Management in Greater Manchester

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

Case Management has been employed as a means of supporting people with long term conditions so as to offer an alternative to unplanned hospital admissions. This study, funded by the Department of Health PRP from 2007 to 2008, was designed to examine the relationship between variations in organisational process (in terms of case management arrangements) and service outcomes with a particular emphasis upon hospital utilisation.

Executive Summary

Final Report


Abell J, Hughes J, Reilly S, Berzins K, and Challis D. (2010). Case Management for Long Term Conditions: The Role of Networks in Health and Social Care Services. Journal of Integrated Care, 18, 45-52.

Abell J, Hughes J, Reilly S, Berzins K, and Challis D. (2010). Case management for long-term conditions: developing targeting processes. Care Management Journals, 11(1), 11-18.

Reilly S, Abell J, Brand C, Hughes J, Berzins K, and Challis D. (2011). Case management for people with long-term conditions: impact upon emergency admissions and associated length of stay. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 12, 223-236.

Care Coordination: Exploring and Informing the Emerging Role of the Non-Statutory Sector in Long-Term Aged Care in England

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

The 2014 Care Act provided opportunities for the non-statutory sector in the provision of care management and brokerage, different forms of care coordination, particularly for older people’s services. The study, funded by NIHR SSCR, was designed to enhance understanding of the role of this sector in the provision of these activities.

A mixed method approach was employed incorporating a literature review and primary data collection. Areas of enquiry included: the scope of organisations; the range of activities undertaken; and arrangements to manage and monitor practice, both internally in terms of management and supervision of staff and externally through commissioning and contracting processes. This project took place between Aug 2012 and April 2014. More information about the study can be found on the NIHR SSCR Project page.

Research Summary

Products and Toolkits


Xie, C., Hughes, J., Chester, H., Sutcliffe, C., and Challis, D. (2013). Exploring the role of independent organisations in care coordination for older people in England. Journal of Social Work,14(4), 419-438

Abendstern, M., Hughes, J., Jasper, R., Sutcliffe, C., and Challis, D. (2016). Identifying standards of care coordination in adult social care: a multinational perspective. International Journal of Care Coordination, 19, 3-4, 84-101.

Abendstern, M., Jasper, R., Loynes, N., Hughes, J., Sutcliffe, C., and Challis, D. (2016). Care coordination for adults and older people: the role and contribution of the non-statutory sector. Journal of Integrated Care. 24, 5-6, 271-281.

Jasper, R., Hughes, J., Sutcliffe, C., Abendstern, M., Loynes, N., and Challis, D. (2016). Accessing care coordination information: the non-statutory sector contribution. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 17, 4, 263-270.

Sutcliffe, C., Jasper, R., Hughes, J., Abendstern, M., and Challis, D. (2016). Care coordination in adult social care: exploring service characteristics within the non-statutory sector in England. Journal of Social Work, 18 (5): 501 - 24

Abendstern, M., Hughes, J., Jasper, R., Sutcliffe, C., and Challis, D. (2018). Care coordination for older people in the third sector: scoping the evidence. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26 (3), 314-29

Jasper R, Chester H, Hughes J, Abendstern M, Loynes N, Sutcliffe C, Davies L. and Challis D. (2018) Practitioners preferences of care coordination for older people: A discrete choice experiment. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(2), 151-170.

Hughes, J., Jasper, R., Worden, A., Loynes, N., Sutcliffe, C., Abendstern, M. and Challis, D., (2020). Care Coordination for Older People in the Non-Statutory Sector: Activities, Time Use and Costs. Journal of Long-Term Care. 91-107.