Assessment in Community Based Care


The Value of Specialist Clinical Assessment of Older People Prior to Placement in Care Homes

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

In common with changes in many other countries, the community care reforms from the 1990s in the UK placed assessment, including multi-disciplinary assessment, as a cornerstone of good quality care. This study evaluated multi-disciplinary assessments in the care of frail older people using a randomised controlled trial. It took place between 1998 and 2002 and was funded by the Department of Health PRP.

It aimed: to evaluate the effect of provision of a clinical contribution to the assessment process in decisions about entry to care homes; and to examine the costs and benefits of this multi-disciplinary process of assessment for older people and their carers, and also for health and social services. Some older people referred to the social services department for residential or nursing home placements received an additional medical report based upon an assessment by a senior geriatrician or old age psychiatrist. Others received the usual process of assessment and documentation. These older people and their carers were also seen by the research team and followed up again six months later.


Weinberg A, Williamson J, Challis DJ, and Hughes J (2003). What do care managers do? A study of modern working practice in older people's services. British Journal of Social Work, 33, 901-19.

Challis DJ, Clarkson P, Williamson J, Hughes J, Venables D, Burns AS, and Weinberg A (2004). The value of specialist clinical assessment of older people prior to entry to care homes. Age and Ageing, 33, 25-34.

Venables D, Clarkson P, Hughes J, Burns A, and Challis D (2006) Specialist clinical assessment of vulnerable older people: outcomes for carers from a randomised controlled trial, Ageing and Society, 26, 867-882.

Clarkson P, Venables D, Hughes J, Burns A, and Challis D (2006) Integrated specialist assessment of older people and predictors of care-home admission, Psychological Medicine, 36, 1011-1021.

Clarkson P, Brand C, Hughes J, and Challis D (2011). Integrating assessments of older people: examining evidence and impact from a randomised controlled trial. Age and Aeing, 40(3), 388-391.

A Systematic Evaluation of the Development and Impact of the Single Assessment Process in England

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

This study sought to evaluate both the development and impact of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in England. It comprised: a literature review; focus groups exploring implementation of the SAP; and evaluation of impact of the SAP from the perspective of different stakeholders. The study was funded by the Department of Health and undertaken between 2003 and 2006.

Research Summaries



Clarkson P, Abendstern M, Hughes J, Sutcliffe CL, Challis DJ. (2007). The Single Assessment Process: Involvement of Geriatricians. British Geriatrics Society Newsletter, 13,

Abendstern M, Clarkson P, Challis D, Hughes J, and Sutcliffe C (2008). Implementing the Single Assessment Process for Older People in England: lessons from the literature. Research and Policy Planning, 26, 33-44.

Sutcliffe CL, Hughes J, Abendstern M, Clarkson P, Challis DJ (2008). Developing multidisciplinary assessment--exploring the evidence from a social care perspective. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 23, 1297-1305.

Clarkson P, Abendstern M, Sutcliffe CL, Hughes J, Challis DJ (2009). Reliability of needs assessment in the community care of older people: impact of the Single Assessment Process in England. Journal of Public Health, 31, 521-529.

Abendstern M, Hughes J, Clarkson P, Sutcliffe C, Wilson K, and Challis D (2010). 'We need to talk': communication between primary care trusts and other health and social care agencies following the introduction of the Single Assessment Process for older people in England. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 11, 61-71.

Challis D, Abendstern M, Clarkson P, Hughes J, and Sutcliffe C (2010). Comprehensive assessment of older people with complex care needs: the multidisciplinarity of the Single Assessment Process in England. Ageing and Society, 30, 1115-1134.

Abendstern M, Hughes J, Clarkson P, Sutcliffe C, and Challis D (2011). The Pursuit of Integration in the Assessment of Older People with Health and Social Care Needs. British Journal of Social Work, 41(3), 467-485.

Clarkson P, Hughes J, Abendstern M, Sutcliffe C, Tucker S, Philp I, and Challis D (2011). Involving specialist clinicians in policies for integrated care. Journal of Integrated Care, 19(6), 14-22.

Abendstern M, Sutcliffe C, Hughes J, Clarkson P, Unell J, and Challis D (2012). Satisfaction with Adult Social Care Assessment: the development of a measure. Research, Policy and Planning, 29(2), 95-114.

Clarkson P, Abendstern M, Sutcliffe C, Hughes J, and Challis D (2012). Identification and recognition of depression in community care assessments: impact of a national policy in England. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(2), 261-269.

Clarkson P, Abendstern M, Sutcliffe C, Hughes J, and Challis D (2012). The identification and detection of dementia and its correlates in a social services setting: Impact of a national policy in England. Dementia, 11(5), 617-632.

Sutcliffe C, Hughes J, Abendstern M, Clarkson P, Chester H. and Challis D. (2014) An examination of assessment arrangements and service use for older people in receipt of care management. Care Management Journals. 15(2), 66-75.

Self-Assessment in Community Care

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

Improving the quality and consistency of assessment has been a concern in both practice and policy. This work, undertaken between 2006 and 2008 and funded by the Department of Health, addressed developments designed to streamline the assessment process and examined the utility and feasibility of self-assessment approaches in social care.

Final Report


Clarkson P, Hughes J, Challis D, Thorley L, and Kilshaw C. (2010) Targeting, Care Management and Preventative Services for Older People: The Cost-Effectiveness of a Pilot Self-Assessment Approach in One Local Authority. British Journal of Social Work. 40(7), 2255 - 2273.

Tucker S, Brand C, O'Shea S, Abendstern M, Clarkson P, Hughes J, Wenborn J and Challis D (2011). An evaluation of the use of self-assessment for the provision of community equipment and adaptations in English Local Authorities. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(3), 119-128.

Tucker S, Hughes J, Brand C, Clarkson P, Wenborn J, McDonogh R, Abendstern M, and Challis D (2012). Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care: lessons from an evaluation of the use of self-assessment in five English local authorities. Research Policy and Planning, 29(1), 21-36.

Abendstern M, Hughes J, Clarkson P, Tucker S and Challis D (2013). Self-assessment processes within care management: learning from pilot projects. Journal of Social Work, 13 (3): 267-286.

Abendstern M, Hughes J, Clarkson P, Tucker S, and Challis D (2014). Exploring the Contribution of Self-Assessment to Preventative Services in Social Care. British Journal of Social Work. 44(3): 729-746.

Clarkson P, Brand C, Hughes J, Challis D, Tucker S and Abendstern, M (2013) Cost-effectiveness of pilot self-assessment sites in community care services in England. Australian Health Review, 37(5): 666-674.

Abendstern M, Hughes J, Clarkson P, Tucker S, Clarkson P and Challis D (2014). Self-assessment and personalisation in occupational therapy services: a managerial perspective on the challenges and opportunities of a service innovation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 77(10): 499-506.

National Evaluation of the Common Assessment Framework

(Principal Investigator: Professor David Challis)

A Government White Paper (2006) gave a commitment to develop a Common Assessment Framework for adults which aimed to improve the quality of assessment, support joint working and improve information sharing. This study, funded between 2010 and 2013 by the Department of Health, evaluated the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework in several different sites with different user populations.


Chester, H., Hughes, J., Clarkson, P., Davies, S., and Challis, D. (2015). Approaches to information sharing and assessment: evidence from a demonstration programme. Care Management Journals, 16, 3, 150-158.

Wilberforce, M., Hughes, J., Clarkson, P., Whyte, D., Chester, H., Davies, S. and Challis, D. (2017) An electronic referral system supporting integrated hospital discharge. Journal of Integrated Care, 25, 2, 99-108.

Chester, H., Hughes, J., Bowns, I., Abendstern, M., Davies, S. and Challis, D. (2021). Electronic Information Sharing Between Nursing and Adult Social Care Practitioners in Separate Locations: A Mixed-Methods Case Study. Journal of Long-Term Care. 1-11