RSCOP - Research in Social Care for Older People


About Us

We are a research group at the University of Nottingham undertaking research in Social Care for Older People.  We are delighted to be part of the Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham and are linked with the Centre for Dementia and the Wellbeing Health and Social Care Research Centre.  We have a longstanding link with North East London Foundation Trust and some staff hold honorary contracts there.  The group is led by Professor David Challis, NIHR Senior Investigator, and includes colleagues: Dr Jane Hughes, Dr Helen Chester and Angela Worden. 

Our Mission statement is: 

To lead, collaborate in, inspire and support engagement in high quality social care research. 


Our tradition of research comes from the PSSRU at the University of Kent and its subsequent development at the London School of Economics and the University of Manchester.   We moved from the University of Manchester in 2019 where for over 20 years we established and ran the successful PSSRU and successfully gained and renewed its membership of the prestigious NIHR SSCR from 2009 to 2024.  

On this website we have included our publications, a list of research projects and some of the materials from our research studies.