RPS Email Account 

Microsoft 365 

This is a guide that shows you how to setup your RPS email account. You need a RPS Email account if you have an officer volunteer role within the committee. If you have any questions contact us via volunteers@rps.org

1 - Setup RPS Email account 

You will receive an email from The Volunteer Team containing an attachment, double click on the attachment 'Account information for new or modified users' and it will open the instructions. 

💡The RPS has permission to contact members to provide information about their membership and relevant events, activities, and news from the RPS. The permission is for the RPS so it is important that RPS email accounts are used when contacting our members to show the affiliation to the RPS and to act in line with the data protection policy (GDPR)

Click on 'Sign in to Office 365' and it will open as a pop up on your web browser. 

Firstly click 'Sign into Office 365' this will take you to the screen below

You will need to enter your temporary password, this was provided in the email referenced above (in this case Gok94830) and then click on the 'Sign in' button. 

The 'Update your password' window will appear. Current password means the temporary provided password, type this in again and then enter a password of your choice and confirm. 

Once that's all filled in click on 'Sign in'. 

💡Your passwords must be at least eight characters long and sixteen characters is the maximum. It has to include three out of these four items: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. 

2 - Microsoft 365 Navigation

This is your logged in home page. 

Your provided RPS Email account entitles you to use the Microsoft 365 platform. You'll receive access to the whole Microsoft Package e.g. Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. These are located in the menu bar on the left hand side. 

💡If you need to login in the future, we recommend you saving the link to your browser favourites or type in microsoft365.com

2a - Access Emails via Outlook

To access your email account, click on Outlook.

💡We would like all RPS email accounts to be in active use, which helps us maintaining our licenses. This excludes using email forwarding to any other account outside of the RPS emails.  

This will open Outlook in another tab in your browser. 

2b - Return to Menu

The 9 dotted square next to the Outlook writing (top left corner) will take you back to the main menu option and you can easily switch between the programmes there. 

3 - Microsoft Outlook Video

This Video shows you an overview of the features within Microsoft Outlook. 

4 - Spam Filter

Your inbox is protected with a Microsoft Spam Filter. You will receive occasional emails that look like the one below. No action is needed and the spam message will be deleted automatically. If you recognise the email and sender and want the message not to be deleted you have to click on Release. 

Please make sure to only Release emails you are familiar with.