RPS Volunteers
Website & Salesforce Guides

These pages contain guides for RPS volunteers on how to use the RPS website and its Salesforce-based events and reporting system 

You can use the links below and the navigation to the left of the screen to find the relevant guides you need.

Looking to set up a new event? The Quick Start Guide is the place to start - this will take you through the process of creating an event from start to finish.

Want to find out who has booked tickets for your event and get details on things like contact information, types of tickets booked, and more? Our guide on events reporting can help. 

Are you a Regional Organiser, Group Chair, or reporting on Group or Region membership on their behalf? Follow this guide to learn how to get up-to-date info on your members.

This beginner guide will give you all the information on setting up an maintaining your Group or Region/Chapter page on the RPS website?

Need to make changes to your Group or Region area on the RPS website? This guide will give you all the information about the different things you can do on the website.