Membership Reporting

This is a guide that shows you how to access the Membership Report for your Group, Region and Chapter.

Please note that access to Salesforce is only granted if you fulfil a role that requires use of this platform and with an active RPS E-Mail account. Membership data should strictly be used in line with our GDPR Policy. If you have any questions or need setting up, contact us via

1 - Login and Navigation 

First, log into Salesforce. After logging in, this is the main page. 

💡If you need help logging into Salesforce, have a look at this Guide

There are two ways to access the Membership reports. You can either click the grid icon in the top left, and search for reports or find them through the search bar at the top. 

The reporting page will look like this. By default, you will be taken to the recently viewed tab, which you can see on the left hand side. This will most likely be empty the first time you visit this section. 

1a - Find and View Reports

To view the reports available to you, click All Reports in the left hand menu. A list of reports will appear. These are split into a Current, Additions and Losses membership lists

💡The Reports are Dynamic Reports, meaning they refresh themselves and always show data from the previous month to date. E.g. If  you look at the Report on the 11.06.2024  it will show you an up to date list from the 01.05.2024 to the 11.06.2024. Once June has passes it will show you data from 01.06.24 to date if you view the Report for example on 03.07.24. The Created On date shows the date the report was created, this doesn't impact the exported data.  

Click on the report name and it will open up and show you all the key information about your members. 

Reminder to strictly use membership data only in line with our GDPR policy

2 - Export a Report

To export the report, click Export in the top right corner. 

We recommend to only export those when needed and delete them from your computer as soon as they are not needed anymore. If you have to send those to a committee member please only do this to a RPS email account and with the report being a password protected file.

A menu will appear with some options on how you want to export the report. Formatted will export it as an Excel sheet in the same style as the Salesforce report you see. Details Only is our recommended option and allows you to choose other formats including CSV. 

To export the Detail Only option, click into the box to select it, choose Excel Format .xlsx and then click the blue Export button. The report will be saved into your default download folder on your computer.

3 - Add Report to Favourites 

For easy access to your reports wherever you are in Salesforce, you can 'Favourite' them using the star in the top right corner. 

When you click the star icon it will turn blue, click the arrow next to it to show you all the favourites you have saved.

Then, to access these reports click the dropdown and click on the required report. If you ever want to remove a favourite, you can click Edit Favorites and remove any you no longer need.  

You can also find your favorited reports on the overview report page.