since 2009

GLOBE Project Students 2018

GLOBE Project Students 2009

Katie Noonan's Oakland High School class established a GLOBE Hydrology Station (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment) in 2010. The site was transferred to the Rotary Nature Center in 2018, with partnerships in Oakland's Sister city Fukuoka in progress.

Oakland students participated in the GLOBE Pacific Regional Science Fair at JPL in Pasadena in 2016-2017 and at NASA Ames in 2018. See Oakland students in announcement for 2018 symposium.

Dr. Noonan is a GLOBE Partner through WestEd.

Poster presented at G.L.O.B.E. Pacific Symposium 2918

Rose Foundation New Voices 2018

Students from St. Paul's Episcopal Middle School and Oakland Emiliano Zapata Street Academy collected water samples in the wet season 2018

Oakland students present a scientific poster about Lake Merritt at GLOBE Pacific Regional Symposium 2017 (see 1:08 in video).

Oakland students present their study of the effect of historic rainfall of 2017 on water quality of the lake.

Oakland students presenting at 2016 Symposium.

Oakland student presenting at 2017Symposium.

2016 Student Poster

2017 Student Poster

Testing for dissolved oxygen.

Testing for water clarity with Secchi disk.

Calibrating refractometer prior to testing salinity of Lake Merritt.

Collecting dissolved oxygen data.

Hydrology Station at Lake Merritt - 2009

Hydrology Station at Lake Merritt - 2009

Hydrology Station at Lake Merritt - 2009

Students presenting poster at Jet Propulsion Lab 2017

Students at Jet Propulsion Lab 2017

GLOBE Atmospheric Science station

Mentoring by NASA Scientists