THIS PROJECT WILL BRING 21st CENTURY SCIENCE TO THE LAKE AND TAKE CAREER EDUCATION IN OAKLAND TO A NEW LEVEL! -DNA sequencing has become a great tool for identifying organisms and elucidating lineages between organisms. “Barcode the Lake” proposes to use a Citizen Science approach to generate data down to the genetic level on the organisms of Lake Merritt. It will also build transferrable STEM skills This project designed by Damon Tighe, iNaturalist and California Center for Natural History member and former researcher on the Human Genome Project, looks to use the Citizen Science approach to generate data down to a genetic level on the organisms of Lake Merritt. At the same time it will build transferable lab skills and field identification skills in the participants from the community.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) machine amplifies DNA pieces.

Gel electrophoresis separates the pieces by size

Extracting DNA from sample.

DNA sequencer output shows pattern of A's C's T's and G's in the DNA.