

LosAngeles Choreographers & Dancers

On July 12-14, 2024

 Culver City  - California 

( U.S.A. )


Heart Part I, including :

Metro transformation

Gotta get up! 

Urban and tribal dances ( Batida, Wedding, Alone, War, Remembrance, Together )

Reboot ! Reboot !

Music by Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta ( Batida and Alone )

ADN 40th Anniversary

40 years 40 tracks


3 CD box set for celebrating ADN records 40th anniversary , with a 88 pages  booklet. 

My track : 

" Music for labyrinths " alternative track

Music for Labyrinths


Music for Labyrinths is an open live project for soundtracks of labyrinths in the world and within us. A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that refers to wholeness: it combines the images of the circle and the spiral in a winding but meaningful path.

The Labyrinth represents a journey towards our center and back out .

Keith Tippett: piano

Claudio Gabbiani: acoustic & electric guitars

Roberto Musci: sampler, percussion, theremin, Vx7 (didgeridoo, bass clarinet), electronics

Recorded live at Palazzina Liberty, Milan, Italy October 21, 2000.

99 African Women 


Over the past 10 years more than a million migrants have arrived from Africa on Italian shores and at least 30,000 people are believed to have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea on their way to Italy. 

Many of them are women and children.

For us they are often just numbers communicated by the media, but what happens to them once they arrive ?  They often disappear, like ghosts….

who are they ? , Where they come from  ? , What did they do in their country ? 

 What are they looking for ?  What are they running from?

Music: it is a tribute to the English jazz pianist Keith Tippett ( King Crimson , Centipede , Ark , Ovary Lodge ), a great musician who passed away in June 2020, with whom I had the pleasure of playing in several live concerts.

 Keith Tippett : piano

Roberto Musci : sampler , percussion

All profits from the sale will be donated to charity  to United Nation Refugee Agency ( NHCR)  that  helps and save lives and build better futures for millions of people forced to flee their homes.

Five women in Dadaism

Music NFT


From left to right : Clara Tice  , Hannah Höch  , Elsa Baroness von Freytag-Loringhoven  , Suzanne Duchamp-Crotti  , Beatrice Wood 

The music was created using white noise modulations and singing bowls as the basis for original Dadaist poetry and music, recorded between 1916 and 1926 on 78 rpm records and remixed by an artificial intelligence music program .

Out of standard Italia11


The music is a compilation by ADN records . 

" Gravel " for El.guitar , percussion , voice , Vcs3 , Buchla was the soundtrack of NFT : " Silicon-Carbon based life "

" Voices in the shadow " for 50 voices treated in granular synthesis with Borderlands and Stria software.

Two tracks in a music compilation by ADN records



Jellyfish are very ancient animals. Jellyfish fossils have been found dating back more than 550 million years ago (Cambrian period) ,  250 million years before dinosaurs appeared on earth. Some of them are considered eternal animals , being able to transform themselves from jellyfish to polyps, in an eternal life cycle.

When man and all other animals will be extinct on earth, jellyfish will be the only living beings that will populate our planet and, perhaps, will also learn to fly, living not only in the water but also in the air.  

And when jellyfish sleep, they often dream of music...

Jellyfish is a project in 2 parts :

3 music NFTs published on Makersplace : 

"Lion's mane jellyfish" : Duduk , Synth

"Portuguese man o' war"  : Bendir , El.Guitar , Synth

"Moon jelly" - music : Kalimba , Voice , Synth

1 Musical NFT published on : 

"Deep Red Jellyfish"  : Synth, Stria, Buchla , Voice

Ryuichi Sakamoto

( Tokio 17 January 1952 – 28 March 2023 )

I would have loved to talk to him about music while we enjoyed  a nigiri.

I thank him for choosing one of my songs as an accompaniment to his lunch in a Japanese restaurant   ( The Kajitsu Restaurant Playlist ).

Sooner or later we will meet somewhere , sipping a glass of sake.

A.I. Generative Art

Ukiyo-e  A.I. 


With " Ukiyo -e A.I. " I tried to recreate the spirit that pervades Ukiyo-e painting ,the sensations, the colours, the flavors that these paintings evokes me, integrating it with traditional Japanese music and Haiku poetry.

For the Ukiyo-e A.I. project I used a neural networks GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks ) integrating VQGAN (Vector Quantized Generative Adversarial Network) and CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training ) .

In the VQGAN and CLIP neural network for Ukiyo-e A.I. project I inserted:

Images of Ukiyo-e paintings created by the great Japanese masters representing Samurai, Geishas, Kabuki Actors, Animals.

 Traditional Japanese musical for Shamisen, Shakuhachi, Koto and Kabuki orchestra music , transformed into Spectrogram, linked to images.

Haiku: traditional Japanese short poetry compositions.

6 E Q U J 5


The S.E.T.I. (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) project was officially born on February 1, 1985. It is the culmination of various research and studies aimed at searching for life in the universe. 

In 1977, the media sensation aroused the reception of a 72-second signal that went down in history as the "WOW!" message ( 6EQUJ5 ). The values (from 1 to 9 and from A to Z) indicate an intensity probably linked to an intelligent transmission.

I have imagined that , for each of the different signal  strengths, there was a music transmission : 

6 : 2'07" , E : 1'58" , Q : 2'08" , U : 2'46" , J : 2'10" , 5 : 2'16" 

Pangea  & Panthalassa


“Pangea” is the name of the continent that contained all the land that emerged between 540 and 200 million years ago, in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic periods.

The name "Pangea" means "all the earth" from the ancient Greek "παυ" = "all" and "γεα" = "earth".

The vast ocean that surrounded Pangea is called "Panthalassa", from the ancient Greek “παυ” = “all” and “θάλασσα” = "sea".

In this project I imagined that Pangea was inhabited by man and that a global culture was born without divisions created by borders, wars, religions or ethnic groups.

The music and images of Pangea unite all the cultures of the world : Africa ( voices ), Middle East ( darbouka , ney , finger cymbals ), Far East (veena , sarong ,tabla , mridangam , pipa lute ), Europe ( piano , guitar , harp, marimba , clarinet , flute , orchestra ) , America ( banjo ) and Oceania ( voice ) .

Strange Attractors


Strange Attractors is a musical project linked to the theories of chaotic attractors in the Chaos theory.  The term 'Strange Attractor' is used to describe an attractor that displays sensitive dependence on initial conditions which are initially close on the attractor but become exponentially separated with time, creating a chaotic system. 

Music linked to NFTs is a new and different way of distributing and listening to music, no longer linked to physical or digital media but the possibility of having images, videos and music to experience a musical project.


based life


Scientists have managed to create carbon-silicon bonds in living cells, demonstrating for the first time that nature can incorporate silicon into DNA molecules , creating XenoDNA based silicon life.

Silicon is an abundant element not only on earth but also on other planets : and I imagined the synthesis of xen dna for the creation and duplication of xeno silicon based organisms.

The entire the project includes : 

4 NFT  (2618 × 1896 px ) with video and music

9 images of different stages of meiosis ( 2157 × 1348 px )

Xenomorphs project 

Threose - Hexose -  Glycol


XNA ( Xeno-DNA)  is a synthetic polymer created in the laboratory , that can carry new and alien genetic information as human DNA, but with different molecular constituents. 

The XNAs are able to pass genetic information from one generation to the next,  XNAs could serve as the building blocks for completely new genetic systems and  create synthetic life ( xeno-organism ). 

Creating a genetic code of  XNAs with more bases yields endless opportunities for genetic modification and expansion of chemical functionality. 

I imagined the evolution of the development of 3 different xeno- organisms in 3 different stages of development ( mitosis , meiosis , embyionic ), with music composed for the each stage.

The entire the project includes :  4 videos of 2 minutes each highlighting the evolution of the development of  three different xeno- cells in different stages of development ( mitosis , meiosis ), with music composed for the each stage and scientific information and bibliography  .