"Ecopolis München"

Kuen, Laura, Gesa Lüdecke, and Christof Mauch, 2019

"Place Value & the Ladder of Place Quality"

Place Alliance, 2019

"The Urban Challenge"

Urban Design London, 2018

"Cycling Cities: The Munich Experience"

Adri A. Albert de la Bruhèze and Ruth Oldenziel, 2018

"The City" Documentary

Dir. Ralph Steiner and Willard Van Dyke, 1939

"Maps Descriptive of London Poverty" from Inquiry into Life and Labour in London

Charles Booth, 1889

The Condition of the Working Class in England

Friedrich Engels, 1845

"City of the Future" Podcast

Sidewalk Labs, 2018-2022

Car Country: An Environmental History

Christopher W. Wells, 2013


Finn Arne Jorgensen, 2019