Cycling Tour


JUNE 2, 2023

Our guides introduced the concept of velonomy, or the level of confidence a cyclist feels while biking. From the words velo and autonomy, velonomy includes general skill or experience level in operating a bike, but also comfort when riding through a certain area, and the feeling of safety or unsafety in competition with automobile and pedestrian traffic. While Munich has established biker-friendly design in some aspects, cycling here still has its obstacles. As pointed out by our guides and as experienced firsthand, there are key changes needed to increase velonomy for Munich cyclists. 

While elements like crossing signals are widely used and essential in maintaining safety for pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists alike, there remains the fact that stopping itself hinders cyclists, creates a delay, and decreases velonomy. Other issues include undifferentiated bike lanes, where the city has forgone the needed demarcation (such as a different color paint) in favor of aesthetics.

The contrast between Munich and Cincinnati, however, is greater. Where bike lanes in Munich may have been unclear, many areas in Cincinnati lack cycling infrastructure entirely. When my work and school commute by bike would take one hour each, without designated bike lanes, the thought of biking at home loses reasonability.