Design Thinking for Sustainability

Prof. Jamie Albert | CMDS 2095

Design Thinking & Sustainability

Design Thinking's user-focused problem solving methods and adaptive, empathetic nature makes it the ideal tool for identifying and addressing issues of sustainability. In our first class where we defined design thinking, we learned the importance of putting the user first. It involves confronting designer-bias and personal preferences to prioritize the actual need. This people-centeredness aligns with the very human value of sustainability.

When we are forced to undo our current ways of living to accommodate for the changing, threatened planet, these thought processes are vital for navigating that change. As designers use this thinking to create a more sustainable present, I believe transportation makes up a major area where development and innovation can be best invested. Just from our discussions and excursions, I was intrigued by the concept of timed traffic lights that would reduce travel times and carbon emissions for automobile-users and encourage more people to bike if there was no need to stop at every intersection. While replicating London and Munich's public transit infrastructure in the states may not be feasible on a large scale, we can still improve our existing systems, such as buses. Additional routes, greater visibility, and easier navigation could make public transport an option for those that would previously never consider it. Executing those improvements will rely on design thinking and ultimately streamline transportation and incentivize users to choose non-automobile alternatives.

In-Class Activities

Collaborative Miro Board

Podcast notes, class discussions, and final project brainstorming

Crazy 8's Brainstorming

"How might we encourage young adults in smaller living spaces to reduce food waste through educational and practical means?"

Creating an Empathy Map 

and Defining a Design Problem 

Exercises for creating a Point of View Statement

Journey Mapping

Tracking my mood from CVG to Harlaxton