Nottingham Day Trip


Q: Reducing plastic bottles – How are Nottingham groceries addressing this challenge? 

PT Stores is a convenience store/corner grocery located in the Meadows neighborhood. We found that while there were fewer beverage choices overall, drinks still took up the equivalent of two full aisles in the small store. All were packaged in aluminum, glass, or plastic, with plastic making up the majority. Sizes varied between products, ranging from single serving lemonades to 2-liter soft drinks. When making a comparison between PT Stores and the Kroger grocery I observed as a baseline, I found no distinguishing elements that suggested an effort towards reducing plastic waste in Nottingham.


Q: Assisting mobility (walking & biking) – How is Nottingham designed to assist pedestrians and bicycles?

Nottingham uses clear signage and designated spaces to prioritize and protect pedestrians and bicycles. With many residents relying on public transit and cycling for transportation, the layout and design of the city’s busy streets and spaces show consideration for those moving outside of a traditional four-wheel automobile. Street signage denotes “bus and bikes only” lanes both painted on the road and on signposts. Bike racks were located in central areas throughout, and for those without their own, we found several Lime brand bikes and scooters for rent. I found it easy to walk in Nottingham; all the streets I used had sidewalks, and crosswalks featured light-up icons with audio (a beeping noise) specifying when it was safe to cross.

Q: Assisting navigation (buses) – How is Nottingham’s transit system designed to help users get from place to place?

Nottingham’s transit system helps users get from place to place efficiently. Nearly every block had bus stops where buses arrived one after another. We rode the bus at 1p.m., which may have been a peak time based on the frequency of buses stopping at our location. Our wait was less than three minutes, and we identified the correct bus and route using Google Maps and confirmation from a local. Signage appears in multiple places for easy navigation: signposts with locations/stop numbers, scrolling led signs at stop posts and on buses, and maps of the transport network in each bus shelter.

LIVE: The Meadows

Q: Historic Housing Estates - How is housing designed and constructed for different groups/social classes? 

The Meadows housing is characterized by close-together units with primarily brick exteriors.

Access to greenspace varied between certain streets, where one side would have a front lawn area enclosed by a fence, and another would have the front step leading directly into the sidewalk. An open field at the end of the street serves as a multi-purpose greenspace for sports and recreation, but lacks the maintenance or design of a proper park/garden. Visual cues suggested a lower-middle income family demographic, partially drawn from seeing children’s toys, bikes, and carseats and the general appearance of each home. Mobility options include bus, tram, bikes, and cars, the last of which were parked all along the residential streets. The neighborhood is a 15-minute walk from the railway station, and contains multiple bus stops throughout.