Radford High School offers academic, career, and personal guidance and counseling for all students. We serve to assist students with course selections, provide career information, and give guidance in planning for a prospective career and future education. We also meet with and counsel individuals or groups of students to help them overcome obstacles to learning and personal growth. School counselors serve as liaisons between the school and the home and can provide parents with information about students' progress in school when requested.   

The Counseling Office Team

Teresa Phillips, Registrar

Heather Rowland, School Counselor

Counselor for students 9-12,
last names A-K


Kirsten Mosby, School Counselor

Counselor for students 9-12,
last names L-Z


Margaret Sproule, 

Career Counselor

What does our School Counseling office offer?

Academic Counseling

Academic counseling assists students and their parents to acquire knowledge of the curricula choices available to students, plan a program of studies, arrange and interpret academic testing, and seek post-secondary academic opportunities.

Career Guidance

Career counseling helps students to acquire information and a plan of action about work, jobs, apprenticeships, and post-secondary educational and career opportunities.  Please see the website for Dr. Sproule, our Career Coach at https://sites.google.com/rcps.org/rhscareercoach/home

Personal/Social Counseling

Personal/social counseling assists students to develop an understanding of themselves, the rights and needs of others, how to resolve conflict and define individual goals, and to reflect on their interests, abilities and aptitudes. Information and records of personal/social counseling will be kept confidential, separate from a student’s educational record, and not disclosed to third parties without prior parental consent or as otherwise provided by law. Parents may elect, by notifying their child’s school in writing, to have their child not participate in personal/social counseling.

Bobcat Connections - COMING BACK SOON!

Bobcat Connections program is an after-school opportunity that serves dual purposes. 

Bobcat Connections is offered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Teachers are encouraged to identify students who might benefit from additional instructional time, and refer them to school administration for approval. School administrators will approve students referred to the Bobcat Connections program, and teachers will contact students and families regarding dates and times to attend. Designated Teachers will oversee the Bobcat Connections program and document times that students and teachers work in the afternoons. Knowing the significant impact teachers have on student achievement, referring teachers are given the first opportunity to serve students in need of academic support. If a teacher is unable to directly work with their student, they are encouraged to find another qualified teacher to support the student attending Bobcat Connections. 

New River Valley Community Services On-Site Counseling 

New River Valley Community Services has  school based clinicians on site at all Radford City Schools. The school-based clinician provides a blend of services to children, including clinical counseling, family therapy, small group work, skill building, parenting education, crisis intervention, appropriate referrals, case management services and more. School-based clinicians address all areas of a child's functioning, not just those at school. An added benefit of this service is that school-based clinicians are able to access children immediately and provide early intervention and screening, all in an environment that is less-threatening for the child and also more convenient for families.  For more information contact your child's school counselor.

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is a tool to further communicate with parents/guardians and teachers. Through PowerSchool, parent/guardians have the ability to securely view real-time student grades, attendance, teacher comments, and the school’s daily bulletin online. Accessing your student’s current grades and attendance via the Internet is available any time, anywhere you have an Internet connection. Access the Parent Portal login page (http://Schinfo.rcps.org), then use the confidential login information for your student.

The login and password information is confidential and should not be shared. A password has been assigned to all students. If parent/guardians or students have forgotten their login or password they can request this information from our office. This information can be released with an email request as long as the email matches what we have in your contact information.  

School Counseling Office Information:

Hours:  8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Radford High School
50 Dalton Drive
Radford, VA 24141
Counseling Tel: (540) 731-3649
Main Fax: (540) 731-4427
Main Tel: (540) 731-3649
CEEB/SAT/ACT Code: 471815
Radford City Schools