The Essay

Essay responses are vitally important at some colleges, whereas for others essays are optional.  However, if a college offers you the optional opportunity of submitting an essay, TAKE IT!  This is your opportunity to shine.  The admissions team is trying to build a community and they want to know who you are.  If you had a rough year academically, use the essay response to explain it - be honest and be yourself. It is a good idea to ask someone to read through your rough draft and then make revisions. Remember to save copies because you may be able to use the same essay for other applications. Books and informational articles to help you in writing admissions essays are available in the guidance office.  Below are websites you can use to help you in the writing process: - Tips and advice for writing a college essay.

Big Future by CollegeBoard - This section of the CollegeBoard wesbite has helpful articles and tips for writing an effective college essay.