Standing Committee Chairs

Communications: Jeff Hoham & Norma Daberkow

Courtesy: Jan Rowe

Fundraisers: Margaret Rasmussen, Diane Knapp, Jeff Hoham

Health: Judy Zabel

Historian/Legislative: Pat Etherton

Membership: Shelley Clayburn & Lesa Christiancy

Program Speakers: Jeff Hoham & Paula Buckner:

Publicity: Paula Buckner:

Scholarship: Barb Hetcko & Diane Lamb

Social: Chris Martin

Special Interest Groups:

Book Club: Cheryl Svoboda

Eat & Meet: Cindy Paulson

Travel: Arlene Rea

Ad-hoc: New Teacher "Come & Get It" Sheri Paden & Diane Knapp

ARTICLE IX: Committees 


Standing Committees shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  


Standing Committee Chairs are appointed by the President and ratified by the members present at the September membership  meeting. Committees may be formed or abolished by the President or by action of the Board of Directors. For committees with  co-chairs, both may attend Board meetings but each committee is represented with only one vote on the Board of Directors.