Healing and Awakening

We are here to support your awakening to your True Self

Healing clears systemic patterns.

We are not isolated in our personal problems.​ They are connected to familial, ancestral, and / or collective systems. Identifying the origin of a pattern, pain, or problem within the system that it was born allows for transformation. This transformation allows us to live with freedom and joy, and embody our highest expression.

Healing supports spiritual awakening.

Healing creates space between the self of the mind and the expansion of our natural state of being. When we turn towards our pain from a state of presence, this is healing. When we have been released from the tight grip of suffering, this is healing.

When we enter the space created by our healing, we remember who we truly are.

This is awakening.

Photo: Mary Hartfelder (ziggy@irish-eye.com)

"Anayza and Alison, complementary healing partners, approached my case with respect, care and tenderness. They managed to convey to me their insights and visions about my soul and family lines with great understanding of my pain, and led me to reconnect to my own soul and inner roots with some unique cosmic support.

The energy work with them was intense, necessary and trajectory-changing for me, and I deeply recommend their services."

~Astrid Campion

The Healing Call

We are committed to YOU and your healing journey.

Our recent clients have come to us with questions that they have been carrying privately in their hearts, sometimes for years:

    • How can I feel more connected and present to my family?
    • Why can’t I seem to get my work off the ground?
    • My heart has broken - will I ever feel whole again?
    • I have been working for years to move past the trauma of my childhood - will I ever be free?

From this place, we may wonder - is it possible to change? Is it possible to experience the joy and ease and full expression of my true self?

The answer is YES. Healing is possible. Change is possible.

We refer to these questions as The Healing Call.

This call is your own soul calling you to wholeness.

Many people have areas of their life that feel truly creative and generative, but still feel elements in their shadow restraining them. Many people have had profound spiritual experiences, but the tension between their expanded awareness and the day-to-day life remains mysterious and challenging.

It is possible to work with the subtle and persistent parts of our existence, it is possible to feel free.

Saying "yes" to your soul's call initiates a journey into the unknown - but you are not alone!

"My session with Alison and Anayza was very powerful and impacted me on a variety of levels. They are both intuitive, talented and compassionate healers. The work with them went very deep, very fast, and they were able to access information from my ancestral line that brought a lot of clarity and insight into some of my most pressing concerns. "

~Christopher Casuccio

Companions on the Journey

Photo on left: Alison Fornés, wearing purple in front, at a retreat she co-facilitated. Photo on right: Anayza Stewart in the Sacred Valley of Peru, where she supported plant medicine retreats.

Alison Fornés and Anayza Stewart are companions who accompany you into the unknown with presence, empathy, and love.

We have been guided, through our personal and spiritual journeys and our training, on paths that have allowed us to explore and heal our own ancestral and soul trauma, and other dimensions of entanglements.

The paradox of healing is that only you can heal yourself! This is because it is your natural state of Being. When we work with you, we become extensions of your own field of consciousness. This enables us to access information that catalyzes your healing movement. Supported by our healing partnership, most of our clients experience a significant shift in their issue after their first session.

The Family and Systemic Constellations process forms a structure that guides us when we work. However, each session is unique, according to the needs of the client.

We are available right now! Schedule a free consultation with us and we will tune into your issue and give you some insight.

Reconnect with Source

The intention of Re:Source Healing is to support you on your healing journey so that you may know your true nature.

Email us if you have any questions, or schedule your FREE - no obligation - phone or video consultation.

Schedule your free consultation: https://resourcehealing.youcanbook.me/