Book Inquiry


Please find up-to-date information about all RDO meetings at the following URL on our new website:

This meeting uses the Zoom videoconferencing software, which can be accessed via. their apps or by dialing in with a regular phone.

You can join using a laptop or smartphone by clicking the link above, which should open the Zoom app if you have it installed, or prompt you to download it if you don’t.

Zoom URL:

Joining by telephone

Meeting ID: 544 337 5344

To dial in by phone, call the appropriate number below and enter the Meeting ID when prompted.

Meeting Time

Hawaii | PT | ET | UK | AUET

Thurs 3PM | 6PM | 9PM | 2AM |

Fri | 11AM

Need more Timezones? Use the converter!

  • Open the Time Zone Converter»

  • It will show PT and ET (the times in the table above)

  • Enter your local timezone to find out the difference

  • Update the date+time in ET or PT to match a meeting to confirm your local time

About Inquiry Meetings

Inquiry Meetings use the standard format for Recovery Dharma. We work with the inquiry page at RD Friends Act to help us easily find meditations and questions that to support our study of the book, Recovery Dharma.

Meeting Outline

  • Introductory readings about RD’s practices and principles

  • 20 minute guided meditation

  • Book reading on a specific topic

  • Group sharing about that topic, the meditation, or our recovery

  • Closing anouncements and dedication of merit

Virtual Parking Lot: As with all meetings, we stay online after the meeting for casual fellowship, to exchange contact information and to answer questions.

Please arrive early: Please join us 15 minutes before the meeting to ensure you have everything setup and to socialize before we start!

RD Friends Act: We utilize the Inquiry guide pages organized at RD Friends Act

Meeting Materials

Please see the meeting format for a full script of what happens at this meeting!


Everything seen and heard in Recovery Dharma meetings is strictly private and confidential.

Audio and video: Attendees are able to share their webcam video and audio if they would like to, or disable one or both for privacy.

Name and contact info: Zoom should ask you for your name the first time you log in. Be careful to use the name you would like to be visible during the meeting. You may also change your name during the meeting using the meeting settings.

Meeting Access

646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 544 337 5344

Find your local number:

Meeting Materials

This Meeting is not recorded

Meeting Time


Hawaii|Pacific|Eastern|United Kingdom|Australia ET

HI | PT | ET | UK | AU(Fri)

Thursday 3p | 6 p | 9p | 2a |12p


For some, online meetings can seem a vulnerable space. Here are some actions our members have taken to reduce the number of people who know their identity in meetings.

  • Create an alternative email account to log-in to meetings (gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.)

  • Place a little tape or sticky note over the camera of your computer during a meeting

  • Call in by phone. This sometimes shows a name to others who connect online, but will not show face

Recovery Dharma Online is a community of peers who use technology to gather together for meetings and workshops to deepen our connection with the Eight Fold Path of Recovery and the worldwide Recovery Dharma Community | ||FB: Recovery Dharma Online