Featured Designers

In response to whether users liked the Featured Designer activity, we were excited to see that it appears to be a favorite activity in our subreddit!

For those that are unsure or don't know what the featured monthly designer is - every month we have a stickied post with information about a featured designer. Many times this designer spotlight comes with a discount, free pattern, small biography, and/or interactive Q&A session with the designer!

In response to whether we feature fun, influential, and relevant designers it appeared to be a pretty close tie between "Agree" and "Most of the Time". The second most voted for option was "Designers are really hit or miss".

Sometimes we'll get great designers that everyone loves. Sometimes we may get a designer that doesn't really trip your trigger, and that's alright! Always feel free to modmail us if you have a designer in mind you think would be great that we aren't featuring!

The overwhelming response to this question was no, with 74% responding negatively in some fashion.

The mods agree with the majority on this fact and are working to push the Continuous Craft Fair so that our resident sellers (users with shops) have a place to advertise their goods as well.

As of this publication, sellers will no longer be able to advertise their stores in the featured designer post.