Yvonne's factors and forces
Aleksander (teacher)
Weiya (student)
Aleksander has general software skills. Has a university laptop that is updated, but is really out of his depth in setting-up his courses on LMS and delivering his lectures online. First, managing the software, but also lacked the equipment, e.g. mic and headphones, and was unsure how to implement his lectures online. He happily uses an old ‘button’ phone.
Reliant on Helpdesk / eLearning Support
Factors: Computer, Internet, software, private space, assistance
Aleksander is not active on social media and his networks are not online. He is old school and is in tune with his traditional university, e.g. no open textbooks or MOOCs. He has not been involved in OERs and would never just share his resources or use open resources in his course.
He is the Director of Language Center and expects others to sort out his online teaching and lectures= Helpdesk.
Factors: PLN, permission, training, assistance, hierarchy
Needs to professionalise his conduct with new educational technologies to provide online learning to a standard that is expected of him. Can be impatient if he doesn't understand something quickly and expects others to sort problems with the technology out for him. Unconvinced that he has to adapt aspects of his course for the LMS and also to deliver his lectures online.
Factors: Motivation and desires, barriers, intrinsic, career path
Not engaged enough with educational technology
Old school. Not open. Thinks his position exempts him from adapting
Lack of technical skills
Weiya is good with using technology. She is social media savvy. She has the latest smart phone, iPad, laptop and uses the latest social media apps to keep up-to-date. Flat-rate Internet access, with usually high bandwidth.
Factors: Computer, Internet, softwareShe has a large room in her family’s house with plenty of space and internet access. She has plenty of friends that are very good with technology and always knows someone to ask for help.
Factors : Quiet/private space, assistance
Weiya is very active on social media. Likes to share with her network online (Instagram). She has a wide personal network online, but she Is very conscious of protecting her privacy.
She is bubbly and out-going and can convince others of issues important to her. Good advocate for student issues.
She likes the university to move to online teaching, e.g. recording lectures or handing in her assignments online. She campaigns, as part of her role in SU, for on-campus exams or if not possible to get an overall mark from the work of the previous year that is accepted by employers.
Factors: PLN, permission, democracy
Weiya knows the advantages of online learning, but does not trust online exams as provided by university. Online sit-in campaigns to let students write exams on-campus with social distancing in place. If not possible, due to Covid-19, she campaigns for students to get overall mark for the past year’s work without exams and for employers to accept it. Wants to finish her studies on time.
Factors: Motivation and desires, extrinsic factors, career path,
Little empathy and critical if something is not immediately working and springs into action, e.g. campaigning
Very focussed on career path and personal goals
Basinski, M. (n.d.) ‘Professional skills’, The Noun Project [Online]. Available at https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=professional%20skills&i=1248512 (Accessed 18 May 2020).
Borengasser, S. (n.d.) ‘team’, The Noun Project [Online]. Available at https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=committed&i=43181 (Accessed 18 May 2020).
Generated photos (2020) Generated Photos. [Online]. Available at https://generated.photos/ (Accessed 16 June 2020).
Healthcare Symbols (n.d.) ‘Mental Health’, The Noun Project [Online]. Available at https://thenounproject.com/term/mental-health/566/ (Accessed 18 May 2020).
Tatah, N. (n.d.) ‘Positive attitude’, The Noun Project [Online]. Available at https://thenounproject.com/noomtah/collection/positive-attitude/?i=1757021 (Accessed 18 May 2020).