Player Duties 

PLAYERS and all Team Members are to: 

1. Strive towards the RAVSTASS Values and abide by the RAVSTASS Rules of Association

2. Follow directions of Manager, Trainer, Captain and Coach (for own benefit and performance/cohesiveness of the team). 

3. Receive feedback by actively listening, understanding the specifics, and maintaing focus on the team goals. 

4. Raise concerns (including injuries) through their Coach, Captain, Manager, Trainer, and complete a RAVSTASS Incident Report. If appropriate, further reporting may be required through the league/competition. 
5. Resolve any disputes in accordance with the RAVSTASS Rules of Association, as well as Codes of Conduct for relevant league/competition. 

6. Communication channel for team comms is primarily via Facebook Messenger. This channel is used since it allows text/file uploads/voice/video calls and is almost universally adopted, as well as enabling convenient use from Desktop (full keyboard) or Mobile Device. Team Managers utilise primarily for sending training/game reminders. Prompt confirmation of your attendance is needed to minimise costs incurred and avoiding forfeits, as well as early planning of player rotations. 

6.A. Alternate Communication. If player does not have Facebook Messenger, then the responsibility for knowing timings is responsibility of the player, via looking up the schedule (refer Teams page). Players are to confirm their attendance/non-attendance NLT 48 hrs prior to the Team Manager via SMS (or as otherwise requested by Team Manager). Prompt confirmation of your attendance is needed in order to make alternate arrangements and avoid incurring a forfeit (and especially even higher costs incurred through late forfeit notification). 

7. Avoiding Forfeits is crucial to reducing fines that eventually cause an increase in future registration costs. Preserving funds enables spending on beneficial resources for your team. Therefore be prepared, that where a forfeit is imminent, Team Manager may exercise discretion to remind any injured players that should they be able to attend in uniform, this can avoid a forfeit and they can be immediate subbed out of the game. The guiding principle, is always bring your uniform. 

Captains Duties

Team CAPTAINS are to: 

1. Lead by exemplifying the RAVSTASS Values

2. Echo the work of the Coach, Team Manager & Trainer. 

3. Introduce their role as Captain to referees/umpires/organiser prior to contest beginning. 

4. Enforce RAVSTASS Team Fees policy.
5. Grow as a RAVSTASS Leader

Induction of new Team Members

1. Identify. When a potential new member for a team is identified, this should first be mentioned privately to the Coach/Captain. This provides the Coach/Captain an opportunity to advise whether there is a potential vacancy. (The candidate should not be added to the team message thread or be discussed on the team thread pre-emptively). 2. Invite. The candidate may then be invited to a game/event/competition to observe. This provides the opportunity for the candidate and the team to meet and observe each other. The candidate should be prompted to join the RAVSTASS Social Media channels. The candidate may be gradually invited to further games, trainings, participate in warm-ups, time-outs etc, until the time is right to bring the member onto the team proper. This may follow rapidly, or in the following season as suited to the needs of the team. During this invitation stage, some key questions to ask may include the RAVSTASS Values and what is RAVSTASS3. Registration. When the Captain confirms there is a vacancy on the team, the Team Manager then assists the member with the following:   * Join RAVSTASS as a Social Member.   * RAVSTASS Uniform (note potential long lead time).   * Club clearance (from previous club, if any).   * Team Registration & Team Fees (if any).   * Add member to the Team Facebook message thread. These steps may require liaison with the RAVSTASS Treasuer to confirm actions completed. Note that competitions often impose fines and forfeits where clearance and registration details are not met.

4. Teach. Coach/Captain/Manager,Trainer & Teammates collectively reinforce to the new Player the Duties of all Players5. Sponsor. Should there be a shortfall identified, then the sponsor who introduced the player as a candidate shall take the responsibility in the first instance to educate/prompt/improve in accordance with our Values.

Coaching Duties


1. Set Goals for Individuals and the Team.
2. Brief individuals and the team. Formats include:
    2.1. KSS: Keep, Stop, Start. 

    2.2. WWH: Why, What, How. 

    2.3. GROW: Goal, Reality, Options, Way-Forward. 

    2.4. WDEP: What is the Plan, Doing at moment, Evaluate effectiveness, Plan/re-plan. 

    2.5. EARS: Elicit, Amplify, Reflect, Start Over. 

    2.6. FIE: Frame the work, Invite input, Embrace messengers. 

    2.7. ARDE: Agree on common ground, Reveal shortfalls, Demonstrate Impacts, End on a Question that leads to accountability.  

    2.8. Reframing: Taking "below the line" comments, to "above the line."  

3. Liaise with Officials on technical rule enquiries on behalf of players. 

4. Risk Manage the utilisation of players to reduce Risk of Injury

5. Grow as a RAVSTASS Leader (Refer to External Training for further coaching courses). 

Manager Duties 


1. Assist players with uniform ordering, team registration and fee payments (as well as Sports Vouchers is eligible). 

2. Advise team members of game scheduling

3. Liaise with Administrators co-ordinating the competition, including notification of intent to Forfeit (See the Team Forfeit Notification Process below). 

4. Grow as a RAVSTASS Leader.  

5. Co-ordinate Team Nominations prior to each season: 

Default Team NamesAdult teams = RAVSTASS Ravens
Junior teams = RAVSTASS Little Ravens
International teams = RAVSTASS Aussie Ravens
Multiple teams in the same grade = RAVSTASS Black Ravens/RAVSTASS Blue Ravens/RAVSTASS Grey Ravens/RAVSTASS Purple Ravens
Note that other team names are permitted, to retain identify of merged teams, e.g. RAVSTASS Leprechauns, RAVSTASS Raiders, RAVSTASS Black Mambas. Adolescent and Junior teams may enter as 'RAVSTASS Ravens' if they prefer.  

Team Forfeit Notification Process

Each RAVSTASS Sports team entered in scheduled competitions has a designated Team Manager. This policy is for guidance of the Team Manager.

In the week prior to scheduled game - Team Manager posts reminder of game time to the Team specific Facebook message thread.

2 days prior - If insufficient players indicates a forfeit may be imminent then team managers is to attempt to source fill-in players. Remind any injured players that should they be able to attend in uniform, this can avoid a forfeit and they can be immediate subbed out of game. 

1 day prior - Not later than 11am - If forfeit cannot be avoided, the Team Manager is to send an email to the Association formally advising of forfeit (Note that late notification may increase forfeit fine). 

To: Relevant Association EHBA = MBBA = 
Subj: Notification of Team Forfeit - RAVSTASS
Good morning,
Regrettably RAVSTASS [insert team name and grade], are lacking sufficient players for game on [insert date and time of game]; and accordingly advise of the need to forfeit the scheduled game. 

Administration after Forfeit 
1. RAVSTASS Treasuer will receive forfeit fine from competition administrators. Forfeit fine will be promptly paid by Treasurer, to maintain good standing of our Association.
2. RAVSTASS Treasurer will internally invoice the Team Manager, the forfeit fine amount. Please note that the Team Manager is not personally liable for the invoice. The invoice is addressed to the Team Manager only as point of contact, in order to facilitate payment collection.  
3. Team Manager will seek share of payment from all players. There is no precise science for this, some teams share equally, while others apportion to those players who were responsible for forfeit, depending on the circumstances.
4. Team Manager is then able to pay the internal RAVSTASS invoice. 

Withdrawal of team 
In order to remain nominated in the competition, internal invoices must be paid before another forfeit is incurred.
If a team forfeits a further game, while an internal invoice remains unpaid, then the team will be immediately withdrawn, to prevent further forfeit fines. 

Trainer Duties 


1. Ensure players are warmed up and stretched prior to activity and encourage individuals to be responsible for their own Individual training

2. Observe activities undertaken in accordance with the RAVSTASS Risk Matrix and any relevant risk management established by the league/competition/facility/government. Monitor team dynamics and psychological safety (Including Learner Safety, Inclusion Safety, Contributor Safety & Challenger Safety). 

3. Provide first aid/sports trainer assistance to the level of their training, and IAW Child Safety policy, and submit Incident Reports to record the event and actions taken. 

4. Liaise with Sports Facilities Staff to address any safety concerns/risks. 

5. Grow as a RAVSTASS Leader.