

In many ball sports, winning is usually achieved by scoring more goals. Missing does you no detriment, so long as you still make more. Golf meanwhile punishes you badly, adding to your score regardless whether your shot was good or bad. The bad shots matter just as much as the putts made. Tennis differs yet again, it is possible to score less overall points than your opponent, but if you win games and sets at the right moment, you can still win. Skydiving competitions are won in the preparation. The logistical chain of events, are for each individual, a conveyor belt of meticulous steps, with the added feature of grave danger, setting this sport apart from all others. Skydiving has further unique propositions. While other sports, allow freedom for individual talent to take over and shine at key moments, team skydiving requires perfect synchronicity, on three axis of movement. No one individual can fix the picture, all members must respond to each other. Coaching is also unique, given that unlike other sports, where the coach is an active participant, or a captain can communicate on the field, the methods of communication are reduced to eye contact and body language. While skill is always beneficial, the ability to bring all these components safely and successfully together can be immediately undone by lack of preparation. While skill is earned through repetition, we can minimise our loss of potential points that we are already capable of with our current skill set, by controlling the controllable. 

Preparation of Gear

Training Goals

Dive Pool

Exits - Side Door

Exits - Rear Door

Rear exits are fantastic for formation jumping, with plenty of room on the tailgate to setup. Presentation is key, relevant to the prop blast and timing. Initially the jump will be into a void, before the slipstream carries the formation in a line away from the aircraft. Anticipating the prop blast is therefore crucial to avoid a funnel. This is the main difference, since on a side door exit the slipstream is immediate. 

2023 12 10 - Tutorial of Tailgate Exits.mp4

Competition Rhythm

Having a rhythm as a team is important for efficiently using your time between jumps, to perfect the jump plan and ensure also that everyone is relaxed and comfortable. 

Post Competition

Following competition, regardless of the result, be proud of what you have achieved together. The points made, the lessons learned and the experience gained. Your results, become your new benchmark, with your aiming being to make your best result your new average, and find bigger results in future. The experiences on the road to improvement also help you at your home DZ to bring new members into competition. 


4FP Quick Links -
Aussie Bigways Skills Development -
Australian Parachute Federation (2024), 'The RAVSTASS Ravens take Gold at Nationals',
Brodsky-Chenfeld, Dan (2017), 'Dan'sMagic 9: Understanding the Game,', 30Nov2017,
Brodsky-Chenfeld, Dan (2017), 'Dan BC's 4-way Manual,', 08Dec2017, 
FAI Rules (2021) - Formation Skydiving - 
Freefall Simulator -  
Fury Coaching - Random  Mnemonics -
Fury Coaching - Top Five Exits - 
Hardwick, Kim (1996) - 4 way Intermediate Handbook -  
IBA Flight Skills -  
iFLY login -
InTime Scoring - 
McKenzie, Peter (2018), 'My Cynefin experience: Permission to be chaotic,' Published via Aussie Bigways,  
Peelman, Julien (2023), 'Aerodynamics for Dummies: Glide Ratio,'  JYRO, 4 Aug 2023,
RAVSTASS YouTube Air Division Tutorials - 
SuperCharge Skydiving - 
Travelling with a Parachute - 
Wing Loading Calculator -