Division Directors

Division Director - Priorities

1. Appoint Leaders for Team Roles.
2. Share relevant content via the relevant Division Chats thread.
3. Review accuracy of content within the respective Division collection

4. Invite potential members to Join RAVSTASS. 

5. Help New Teams form within your Division.
6. Recruit suitable Athletes for the RAVSTASS Individual Athlete Support program.
7. Encourage imagery collection of the activities within your Division. Members can use hashtag #ravstass on relevant instagram posts.
8. Promote relevant Events for your Division.  
9. Report primarily to the Vice President.  
10. Advise the Elected Committee on improvements, strategy, processes, as well as apparel and merchandise design

RAVSTASS Quality Management System (QMS)  

Events - Simple Event Checklist 

Preconditions - Existing regular activity with an existing RAVSTASS facebook message thread.

Step 1 - Facebook - What, When, Where on respective msg thread. 

Step 2 - Conduct - Conduct the Activity.  

Step 3 - Incidents - Encourage participants to submit Incident Reports on occurrence. 

Step 4 - Imagery - Add images to the facebook message thread or instagram (tag #RAVSTASS), or email high quality versions. 

Step 5 - Finalise Report - Submit a Post Activity Report.  

Events - Complex Event Checklist 

The following checklist is a guide designed for committee members. Committee members have access to all websites. If you do not have access, please seek assistance from a committee member. Disregard any non-applicable steps. 


Step 1.0 - Initial Planning 

Step 1.1 - Concept - Determine What, Where, When, and Costs. Consider Public Holiday Weekends.  

Step 1.2 - Risk Assessment - Consider reconaissance of activity and raise/review Risk Assessment. Consider use of Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) and if to be used ensure it s registered with Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).


Step 2.0 - Mid-Term Planning 

Step 2.1 - Outsourcing - Refer to 'Outsourcing' process. 

Step 2.2 - Payment Product - Create pricing on Official Website www.ravstass.com. 

Step 2.3 - Create Facebook Event - Create event on our Facebook Page with all required info and link to product page. Make the manager a co-host so they can edit event the page. Add Google Map using GPS Co-ordinates. Also, make a post on the RAVSTASS Facebook Members Group inviting people to attend. Encourage others to share widely. Create a FB message thread as attendance list grows in order to communicate directly. 


Step 3.0 - Final Planning 

Step 3.1 - Decision Point. Check sales progress and confirm bookings with supplier if proceeding, or Cancel Event. 

Step 3.2 - Participants. Provide joining instructions to participants. 


Step 4.0 - Execution 

Step 4.1 - Pre-Deploy Phase - Deliver entry briefing of participants on risks and emergency steps. Get participants to sign Risk Assessment. (For international events or local events with international participants, include cultural considerations derived from standardised Cultural Briefs.  

Step 4.2 - Deploy Phase - Conduct the Activity, track progress on RAVSTASS Strava and capture imagery. 

Step 4.3 - Re-Deploy Phase - Deliver Exit brief and thank all participants and supplier(s). Encourage participants to submit Incident Reports. Gather information for the Post Activity Report. 

Step 5.0 - Post Activity 

Step 5.1 - Refurbish Phase - Pay supplier(s) for activity via RAVSTASS Debit Card (see Treasurer) or forward invoice to Treasurer

Step 5.2 - Post Activity Report - Submit a Post Activity Report.  

Events - Post Activity Report

Post Activity Reports can be submitted via https://ravstass.com/pages/post-activity-report

Some suggested items to report may include: 

Participation Numbers:
Participant Feedback:
Achievements: Were there any individual/team achievements to add to the page ravstass.com/pages/honourboard?
Future Plans:
Any other comments:
Safety Concerns:
Incident Reports: Are there any to be expected?
Recommendations for Improvement:
Financial Performance
Income $
Expenses $
Surplus/Loss $
Please add any relevant imagery, or email to ravstass@gmail.com
* Add phone images to instagram.com/ravstass and/or use #RAVSTASS
* Add video to youtube.com/RAVSTASS
* Add and tag quality images to relevant album at facebook.com/RAVSTASS 

Media Releases
From: Appointed Coach/Captain/Manager/Trainer
To: See relevant contacts below
Cc: ravstass@ravstass.com on all media releases
Attach: High Quality Images (best 3 pictures if possible)

Adelaide East Herald - office@murraypioneer.com.au - 08 8586 8000
Adelaide Hills Herald (incl Murray Bridge) - joe.schwab@hillsherald.com.au - 8339 0000
The Border Times (Pinnaroo) - office@murraypioneer.com.au - 08 8586 8000 
The Bunyip (Barossa & Gawler) - office@murraypioneer.com.au - 08 8586 8000
The Murray Pioneer – Riverland - office@murraypioneer.com.au - 08 8586 8000