
Communications - Objectives 

Objective #1 - Improve Multi-Sport Facilities

Line of Effort 1A - RAVSTASS Owned Facilities: Position RAVSTASS for owner/operations of our own dedicated Multi-Sports Facilities (Refer to briefing package & 

Line of Effort 1B - RAVSTASS Leased Facilities: Explore opportunities for RAVSTASS to tenant or manage Multi-Sport Facilities. 

Line of Effort 1C - RAVSTASS Attended Facilities: Influence development of Multi-Sport Facilities where RAVSTASS members are current or prospective patrons. 

Objective #2 - Build External Relationships.

Line of Effort 2A - Build Relationships with Stakeholders in Support of Objective #1. 

Line of Effort 2B - Build Relationships with Stakeholders who co-ordinate Key Events, especially Multi-Sport Events

Communications - Press Releases

Step 1 - Prior to issuing a press release, issue the following in instances where a press release is being anticipated:
"Thank you for your enquiry. RAVSTASS is currently preparing an Official Statement via Press Release. We will submit this Press Release via email shortly. Respectfully, President (or Delegate)."

Step 2 - Press Release Types:
Step 2.a. - Serious Incidents
"On Date in full, at approx time am/pm EST, an experienced athlete description, aged xx, with more than xx years of exerienced, suffered/succumbed to serious/fatal injuries sustained during _____. The name of the injured/deceased is being withheld until next of kin have been duly notified. RAVSTASS members are cooperating with relevant authorities and organisations in the investigation of this incident."

Communications - Stakeholders 

Federal & State Government: Ministers & Shadow Ministers with portfolios including Sport, Infrastructure, Transport, Emergency Services, as well as Local Member for locations of interest. Further contacts refer to Grants


Local Government: Town Planner and Council Members. Further contacts refer to Grants


Sport Bodies: Peak, State & Local Sport Bodies with context of facility planning. Further contacts refer to Grants

Community groups: Youth Organisations (including Cadets/Scouts), Veteran Organisations, Environmental Organisations. 


Emergency Services: Peak, State & Local with context of facility planning as potential tenant/users of a joint facility, increasing recruitment and harvesting cross-training benefits.


Industry: Training providers, Discount Providers, Equipment manufacturers and Facility constructors. 

Communications - Talking Points 

Who we are: RAVSTASS is an Independent Multi-Sport Association, formed in 2015 to bring together individuals, groups and teams into eight Divisions through the administration of one association. River, Air, Valley, Sea, Track, Aim, Snow & Stadium. 


Our Members: Our members are individuals from every background who participate as individuals or teams across a wide range of sports. 


The RAVSTASS difference: One association with free membership. An individuals joins to participate in a single sport, and through their interaction with other members is introduced to new opportunities. We are not limited to geography, individual sport, nor a parent entity. 


We are efficient: Multi-Sports administration is the future. Traditional sports clubs are limited to one sport/activity, whereas RAVSTASS has eight (8) divisions and within them scope for an unlimited number of sports. Traditional local clubs are stuck in their catchment area, whereas RAVSTASS is everywhere. We do not charge membership fees, the costs for any individual is dependent on the sport/activity that they are participating in. And often RAVSTASS does not even get involved in the transaction. The future will be even more efficient for members, sports bodies and government, through building multi-sport mixed purpose facilities. 


Our Achievements



Meetings - Big 4  Standing Agenda 

Each position should be guided by the Committee Duties -, including the Committee Meeting Focus Areas (monthly focus).  



Vice President 


Vice President

Communications - Facebook Message Threads 

The Vice Prez (at minimum) is to remain Admin on the following Facebook Message Threads. The Elected Committee members should also be invited to be admins on these threads. 

Committee Level:
- RAVSTASS Big 4 Thread (Committee)
- RAVSTASS Comrade Members Thread (Committee)
- RAVSTASS EOM Finance Reports (Committee)
- RAVSTASS Veterans Thread (Committee)
- RAVSTASS Vice Prez Thread (Committee)
- RAVSTASS Division Directors (Committee) 

Divisional Level 


Team/Activity Level

Numerous further threads exist within each division, all message threads created are to adhere to the following conventions.


Thread titles:  

RAVSTASS ???? Thread (???? Division) 


RAVSTASS Scuba Thread (Sea Division)  



Primary Admin = Minimum one (1) Comrade Member. 

Secondary Admin = Respective Division Director to be backup Admin for all threads. (Division Director may mute threads). 

Tertiary Admins = Additional admin's may be added, e.g. Vice Prez/Committee/Coaches/Captains/Managers/Trainers. 


Searching Threads: The above conventions will enable a message thread search to be conducted using format (Name Division) e.g. (Sea Division)  

Communications - Radio

Whenever activities are conducted in remote areas, the establishment of our own communications network may be required. The following is guidance for activity leaders, to establish a communications network. A primary and secondary radio channel should be selected and tested, prior to commencement of the activity. In addition, a location that is well known and within reach of all participants, selected as the communication failure last option for rendezvous. Additional communication options, may be considered, including whistle, beacon as determined through the Risk Analysis Matrix. This process focusses on the selection of radio channels only.

Conventions for the selection of UHF CB Radio channels in Australia
Channel 05 - Emergency Primary
Channel 35 - Emergency Secondary
For both emergency channels, set Duplex ON, if no response set Duplex OFF. 
Channel 10 - 4WD & National Parks
Channel 18 - Camper Vans & Caravans in Convoy
Channel 40 - Road Safety 

Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) 

Communications - Sports Journalism / Adventure Journalism

RAVSTASS participates in a broad range of sports which ideally suits Sports Journalism Students seeking to apply their knowledge and build their portfolios. Furthermore our membership has a tremendous interest in sports generally, which RAVSTASS seeks to promote and develop along the entire spectrum : Awareness > Interest > Participation > Competition > Excellence. The breadth of RAVSTASS provides enormous opportunity for Sports and Adventure Journo's to apply their craft. We are uniquely interested in the multi-disciplinary aspects and relatable knowledge that transfers between sports. We also are keen to recommend products to our members that suit applications in a variety of sports. 

 Keen to be a RAVSTASS Sports Journo? Go to and then contact the RAVSTASS Vice President. Every Student Journalist will be provided a reference on letterhead to assist with their future aspirations and all articles attributed to them will remain on RAVSTASS sites. 

Broad Process : Decide > Data > Delve > Develop > Dovetail > Design > Distribute
1. Decide - Determine what type of article you are seeking to write:
Straight-Lead/Feature/Profile/Season Preview/Season Review/Opinion Column/Product Review/Adventure Story.
2. Data - Our social media channels are listed at
3. Delve - Each of our RAVSTASS Divisions has segmented our social media channels for their division, as an album/list/topic/etc. Links are within each Division Collection at Links to related magazines are also found here. Within the individual sports can be found further links to peak bodies, suppliers, participating bodies etc.
4. Develop - 1st draft - Review the available content to generate ideas for your article.
5. Dovetail - 2nd draft - Bring further sources together (references, imagery, quotes etc) to support your message.
6. Design - 3rd draft - Format your article for delivery and impact (audio/visual/mixed media). Contact the Secretary if templates/branding is required.
7. Distribute - Forward to the Vice President for review and release.
Note that value is incrementally added at each stage of the process.

Adventure Story Process : Calling > Crossing > Trials > Abyss > Discovery > Improvement > Achievement > Coaching 
1. Calling - Reveal what tempted the subject into imagining the adventure. Think lingering thought!  
2. Crossing - What pushed the subject into starting, the tipping point! Losing their job/relationship or an injury in another sport. Think final straw!
3. Trials - Relate the difficulties encountered in starting and progressing. Predictions of failure, battling self/others, injuries/opinions. Think grind!
4. Abyss - Identify with the loneliness of the chasm which emerges between subject and their former career/friends/home/comforts/interactions that is left behind in the pursuit of the new adventure.
5. Discovery - Exhibit what is newly discovered by the subject, that was only possible because of this adventure. Think spectacular!
6. Improvement - Connect discoveries with the improvement in the subject and their enhanced understanding.
7. Achievement - Celebrate the achievement as it all dovetails together and thereby making the journey worthwhile.
8. Coaching - Develop the character of the individual, show what they have now grown to become, in self-esteem, reputation and contribution and hint at the opportunities that lie ahead.
Note that over the process, the protagonist is raised in their ability and in turn, their ability to lead others.

References & Tools
YouTube Background Video 
YouTube Video Editor 

Communications - Volunteering

Support - Tribunals

Reports to Tribunals are stressful. Should yourself, a player, or a team member be reported, please advise the RAVSTASS Committee by emailing

RAVSTASS Committee will: 

* Be conduit for communications between the reported player and the Tribunal. 

* Confirm applicable By-Laws and clarify further RFI's to assist in preparation for the Tribunal. 

* Maintain an archive of all correspondence cataloguing the case. 

* Review draft statements to the Tribunal. 

* Seek to attend the Tribunal.

Reported Member should: 

* Ensure the RAVSTASS Committee is notified of a report being made by forwarding report to 

* Correspond through the RAVSTASS Committee, in order that any discussion points can be refined and to dovetail with existing RFI's. 

* Read and understand relevant By-Laws, including the Tribunal process and applicable min/max penalties. 

* Understand that the pyramid structure of sports leagues under peak bodies, may mean that any penalty imposed by the existing league, may be applicable in other leagues. 

* Understand that RAVSTASS has a parallel discipline process as obliged by our Rules of an Incorporated Association (IAW Rule 5.4). No decision(s) under Rule 5.4 will be made until after the Tribunal process is completed. Any decision will be considered separately to the Tribunal outcome. 

* Prepare a written hard copy statement that can be read at the Tribunal by yourself or (if unavailable to attend) by a representative. The hard copy written statement should be in a presentable format that can be handed over to the Tribunal panel and be included in the evidence pack. The statement should detail the timeline of events as best recalled, acknowledge the seriousness of being reported, relate circumstances and point of view, and include any admissions willing to make. Lastly, suggest your desired outcome. 


Background Checks - DCSI - Working With Children Checks (WWCC)

1. Applicant Start. Apply for a WWCC at (More info:  

Role Description = "Mulit-Sport Coach/Manager" or similar
Screening(s) required = "Working With Children Check"
Applicant Type = "Volunteer" (this means the WWCC will be free).
2. Applicant Finish. When WWCC is finalised, forward the original email to with the following:
First Name = Samantha

  Middle Name = Mary

  Last Name = Lee

  Date of Birth = 04/03/1981

  Reference Number = SRN xxxx xxxx or CCR ID xxxxxx

3. Secretary: Register the WWCC in the RAVSTASS profile, the DCSI Screening Portal at  

4. Secretary: Advise WWCC# to the relevant sports competition administrators. Recommended to send list at commencement of each season. 
5. Secretary (Basketball Specific): Within Basketball Connect path: Match Day > Click relevant season > Competition Details > Managers (or) Coaches > Click Name > Personal Details > Other Information > Edit. Input the Child Check Number, which is the reference number (not the unique ID), and input the Expiry date (usually plus 5 years from date of issue). 

Background Checks - National Police Certificate (NPC) 

1. Applicant. Fill in form PD267 National Police Certificate (NPC) Application form. Use blue pen.

2. Applicant. Take the PD267 to a SA Police station for 100 point identification. Then give form to RAVSTASS Public Officer for VOAN authorisation.

3. Public Officer. RAVSTASS Public Officer endorses the PD267 in the 'Volunteer Authority' section of form, including the VOAN number issued to RAVSTASS.  Use blue pen. The form is then sent by RAVSTASS to SAPOL.

4. Applicant. SAPOL will post NPC to the applicant. NPC is to be sighted by Secretary.

5. Secretary. Secretary is to retain copies of all NPC's. Original is to be retained by applicant. 

Campbells Membership Card

1. Treasurer. Identifies member with need for a Campbells Card. 

2. Card Holder. Fills in web form on behalf of applicant. Contact details to be used are those of RAVSTASS (email, post, ABN). Method of payment is to be Credit Card not Invoice 

3. Treasurer. Receives card in post, takes scan for records.

4. Card Holder. Receives their Campbells card from Treasurer.  

Communications - Social Media

The RAVSTASS Social Media Links which are discussed below are accessible at either of these links.

1. Facebook Page - External page, think friends, family, other organisations and interested parties. Other channels can feed into this page (automatically) instagram, twitter, youtube, and our online products. 
Best for uploading high quality images, and images which have been processed and cleaned up ready for publishing. Note that when click photos > albums > see all; there is a photo album for each of the RAVSTASS divisions. Adding a photo to one of the existing albums will then create a post on the page feed. When tagging individuals in photos first save the uploaded photos, then in the comments section change 'comment as' from RAVSTASS to yourself, you can then edit and use '@' followed by name of individual(s) you wish to tag in the post. If the video includes music, ensure there is detail in the post that references the artist, e.g. "All the good girls go to hell" by Billie Eilish.
2. Facebook Group - Internal facing. Groups have different features to Pages, and are for the network itself. At present the number of members in this group is used to calculate our membership. Think updates to members themeslves on internal issues. Therefore if publishing external content, best to publish to the page first, and then share to the group. Since not all information on the group feed is of interest to all members, Groups have a nice feature called 'Topics'. After creating a post, click the three dots (top right) > Add post topic. Note that we have created a topic for each division.

3. Instagram - External facing. Instagram has become popular among people who prefer visual content, for some, facebook has too many notifications, messages etc. Instagram is best for quickly publishing images and short videos (snippets) that have been captured on a phone. While you can logon to instagram from PC/laptop you cannot create posts. In order to get images/videos which have been cleaned up on PC/laptop onto instagram it is necessary to forward these to your phone first, and then create instagram post through the phone app. Added benefit of instagram posts, is option at the end of post production to relay the feed to RAVSTASS facebook page and RAVSTASS twitter. The relay to Facebook page has been found to work well when it is one image in the post. Multiple images in a post and video have not been seen (yet) relaying and likely is a limitation of the feature. The relay to twitter goes straight to the feed, but displays as hyperlink.

4. Instagram other users - A excellent feature of instagram, similar to facebook is ability to tag people. If there is content on a members instagram account, and they 'edit' and 'tag' RAVSTASS, then the content appears in a separate panel called 'tagged' on our RAVSTASS instagram feed. In someways this is easier/better than Facebook. Note that tagging is preferred to #hastags. If hashtag #RAVSTASS is used, it will appear in our notifications, to advise us, but will not relay in our feeds. #RAVSTASS appears at Therefore hastags can be used in addition, but do not achieve as much as a tag.

5. Twitter - External facing. Twitter is popular among those who are reading dominant learners. It is useful for publishing very short messages, for example "RAVENS win semi-final overnight."

6. Strava - Extremely useful platform for capturing activity conducted by individuals. Think cyclists, runners, swimmers. These are the primary sports that Strava focussed on. Using location tool, tracks the path, speed, distance and other metrics of performance. Provides ability at end of session to share their activity, and 'add photos.' In addition, we have the RAVSTASS Strava Club, which captures onto our own leaderboard, summary of RAVSTASS Strava Athletes. This data is also used in a widget that is included at bottom of our home page.

7. YouTube - RAVSTASS YouTube Channel. We have a playlist for each RAVSTASS Division, and playlists for Tutorials, Gear and Risks. Our Join Us videos are listed here. For developers, we have our Intro Slide Videos. If you are building your own video, we recommend the GoPro app Quick Stories. We also build collaborative project videos on app.sauce

Our video recommendations
Orientation = Landscape
Format = .mp4
Normal = 1080 pixels @ 60 frames per second (FPS) where possible
Slow motion = 1080 pixels @ 120 frames per second (FPS) minimum

8. RAVSTASS App - We are developing a future RAVSTASS app via Android Studio. If you are keen to get involved in this project, email us at   

Communications - Social Media Permissions Structure

The RAVSTASS Social Media Links which are discussed below are accessible at either of these links. 

1. Facebook Page. As this is our external page and many other channels feed into it, extreme care must be taken, noting that posts are attributed to RAVSTASS rather than the user. Admins = Elected Committee. Editors = Division Directors (not Club Controllers). 

2. Facebook Members Group. The RAVSTASS FB Fan Page is an Admin of the RAVSTASS Facebook Members Group. In addition, the following are also admins. Admins = Elected Committee & Division Directors (not Club Controllers). 

3. Strava Club. Admins = Elected Committee & Division Directors. 

4. LinkedIn Group. Admins = Elected Committee. 

5. Facebook Message Threads for Teams. Admins = Coach, Captain, Team Manager, (VP & respective Division Director are Optional). 

7. Other Sites. The following social media accounts do not have an access roles feature, therefore access is limited to the Elected Committee and is via direct issue of logon details by the Secretary.  

- Instagram 

- Twitter  

- Vimeo 

- Pinterest 

- Gmail 

- YouTube (linked to gmail logon)  

Communications - Style Guide

PANTONE Reflex Blue C - Primary Blue

RGB 0,20,137 

HEX #001489 

Embroidery PF368 FuFu 

PANTONE 286 C (Royal Blue) - Secondary Blue (used when primary blue is too dark, and a brighter blue is required). 
RGB 0,51,160 

HEX #0033a0

Embroidery PF366 FuFu 


PANTONE Black 6 C 

RGB 16,24,32 

HEX #101820 

Embroidery PF900 FuFu 


PANTONE 4289 C (Grey) 

RGB 153,153,152 

HEX #999998 

Embroidery PF485 FuFu 


PANTONE 11-0601 TCX Bright White 

RGB 244,249,255 


Embroidery PF800 FuFu  

Divisional Colours
River Ochre
Air Sky Blue
Valley Forest Green 
Sea Sea Blue
Track Racing Green aka Shadow Gray  
Aim Crimson Red
Snow Moonlit Snow
Stadium Reflex Blue 

Communications - Templates 

Refer to the Quality Management System (QMS) page. 

Creating a RAVSTASS Chapter

Sub-committees may exist which are closely affiliated with external organisations. As RAVSTASS is an independent association, such sub-committees are created as Chapters. Refer to Rule 6.2(d) for Guidance. 

Downloading Membership Data

This process is for use of the RAVSTASS Secretary. 

Pre-requisites, must have admin rights to the RAVSTASS Members Group.

1. Go to this page, and download .zip

2. Also watch the tutorial video.

3. Go to the RAVSTASS Members Member data, click the extension icon. 

4. RAVSTASS Members--Members.csv file will download. 

5. Prefix the file name with todays date YYYY MM DD - RAVSTASS Members--Members.csv. 


* AI Tool Details - AI Showcase Directory 

* AI Wizard - Find AI Tools 

* Axiom Ai - Browser Automation
* Combine PDF - Combines separate .pdf files, also converts .pdf to images etc. 
* Logo World - History of Logos 

* Tiny Wow - Tools for .pdf/video/images/converters/writing 

* Woolfram Alpha - Computational Intelligence  


Duty Statement 



1. Timing. Financial Year ends 30Jun IAW Rule 11.1. (Note that a new coded line item is created for HDWD Vending ending 31May each year, in order that all transactions can be processed in order to close line item prior to EOFY). 

2. Tasks. Complete EOM tasks as per EOM process. 

3. Asset Register Extended Audit. Conducted via members listed as responsible for loan items. Note that these members may be a team manager, and not necessarily the end user. Where items are irretrievable, i.e. permanently lost/damaged, they are to be expensed from the Asset Register and coded against the activity that was the last user. After Asset Register is finalised, copy data to the Asset Register page. 


* Download Banking (.csv) for Financial year. 

* Download Bank Statements (.pdf version) for Financial year. 

* Download Adobe Invoices (.pdf version) for Financial year. 

* Download Shopify Expenditure Invoices (.pdf version) for Financial year. 

* Download Shopify Orders (Unpaid Filter) for Debtors Balance. 

* Download any other evidence of recrurring income/expenditure that occurred in Financial year. 

* Screenshot Banking Interest summary screen for Financial year for all bank accounts. 

5. Preliminary Reporting. EOFY data is added to the Balance Sheet & Income Statement. Any explanations are added to the Notes section. 

6. ATO Details Check. Review and update where required details of the ABN at  
7. ATO NFP Reporting. Complete Not-For-Profit (NFP) self-review obligations via Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) at

8. External Audit - Preparation. IAW Privacy principles, review the respective FY Google Drive folder, to remove data columns of customer names, addresses, mobile phone numbers and other identifying private information from downloaded copies of the Online Sales database. 

9. External Audit - Folder Sharing. The Audit Folder for the respective FY only, is then shared on Google Drive, with read-only access. Advise Auditor that the accounts are prepared on a Cash Basis. 

10. External Audit - Conduct. Specific guidance on the Audit requirements,  including responsibilities of the Auditor and RAVSTASS are detailed in the: 

* Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA), and 

* Associations Incorporation Regulations 2008 (SA).
11. External Audit - Report. The External Financial Audit Report, is included as an Enclosure to the AGM Meeting Minutes. 


1. Minus 10 days to EOM: Forward any accrued balance from PayPal into the Incomes account, to zero the PayPal prior to EOM. 

2. Minus 5 days to EOM: Prompt members for purchases on Pre-Order

3. Plus 0 days from EOM:  

* Download Online Sales Data (.csv) 

* Download Online Banking Data (.csv)
* Download BasketballConnect Data > Finance > Dashboard > Payments > Display Payments > Export (.csv) 

* Add downloaded data to the 'RAVSTASS Finance Reporting'.xls. 

* Copy respective formulas. 

* Code all transactions IAW Coding Instructions

* Review Stock Register and adjust after physical audit and audit of sales database stock quantities. 

* Review Asset Register and adjust (Do not update the Asset Register web page, as this is an EOFY function). 

* Update the Fees page, with payments received in previous month. 

* After all entries have been added and coded, check the Performance Report tab for any 'Error' amounts at top. 

* Adjust the 'Redistributions' column in order to zero HQ activity line items with a surplus, to cover HQ activity items running at a cost. For instance 'Donations' covering 'Postage.' The Redistributions column must have a total value of zero. The future aim, is that HQ items may run an extraordinary surplus, that not only covers all HQ aspects, but allows a surplus to be distributed to the Sports Divisions. A future process will be developed in consultation with Division Directors. 

* Intra-Liabilities. Note that the Intra-Liabilities figure on balance sheet, represents all the Divisional activity line items that are running as a surplus, in order to determine whether sufficient cash is held, should all Divisional line items make a claim against their surplus within same period. HQ surplus' are excluded.

4. Plus 1 day from EOM: The EOM Performance Report is then saved from excel as a .pdf and forwarded to the following threads: 
"RAVSTASS Big 4 Thread (Committee)" 
"RAVSTASS Division Directors (Committee)" 
"RAVSTASS MBBA Sub-Committee (Stadium Division)" 
"RAVSTASS EOM Finance Reports (Committee)"
Backup the .xls folder and title as at EOM. 
5. Plus 2 days from EOM: Pre-Order batches are assembled and sent to factory to commence production. Review Pre-Order collection, and remove products not desired to display in the new month. 


Formula = Social Proof + Simple + Scarcity + Urgency + Risk-Free + Bonuses 

Processing Invoices

If a Supplier needs an Invoice Template -
If a Supplier does not have an ABN due Hobby Income -
If a Supplier does not raise an Invoice - 

Processing Reimbursements 

Reimbursements. RAVSTASS members seeking reimbursement are to email the RAVSTASS Treasurer with their receipt/invoice, description (to enable coding) and bank details to enable reimbursement. Only pre-approved reimbursements that are agreed will be paid. 


Subj: Request for Reimbursement 

BSB: _ _ _ - _ _ _  must be six digits

ACC#: _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _  max of nine digits

Title: Name your account held in 

email remittance: your email address 

Consignments. RAVSTASS members may need to be paid for supplies and services rendered to the Association, including situations where member owned equipment has been hired out on consignment. If the member does not issue an invoice automatically for the supply &/or service, then the Treasurer is to prompt this by emailing the following to the member: 

To: [RAVSTASS member to whom a payment is owed]

Subj: RAVSTASS owes you a payment  

Good afternoon [member name] 

BSB: _ _ _ - _ _ _  must be six digits

ACC#: _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _  max of nine digits

Title: Name your account held in 

Remittance Text: CODING - DDMMMYY 

email remittance: your email address 

If the member does not provide an invoice, then the Treasurer needs to record the transaction by created a Recipient-created tax invoice, and file it with the details of the transaction. 



ABN LookUp 

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) 

Competition & Consumer Act 2010 

Fair Work Act 2009 

Rental Agreements 

Receiving Donations for Asset Register

1. Treasurer. Issue Donor with Discount Member Card at no charge. 

Thank you script... "Thank you for your donation. Please find enclosed your RAVSTASS Member Discount Card. As our program grows I hope you enjoy its benefits into the future."

2. Treasurer. Add item to the Asset Register

3. Treasurer. Consider to make available for hire, create product page. 

Receiving Offline Payments

Where possible all payments should be received through the RAVSTASS website, via purpose built online products in order to catalogue all transactions. Where a payment is required to be collected and this is not practicable, e.g. a cost, or recovery that is not appropriate to be placed online, then an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) into the RAVSTASS Incomes account should be effected. Avoid where possible collecting cash. If you do collect cash on behalf of a member, then retain the cash yourself and transfer the same amount by EFT into the RAVSTASS Incomes Account. All EFT transfers are to be made into the following account. The description text is to include coding to allocate the revenue appropriately. 

BSB: 105900

ACC#: 202501440


Description: CODING - NAME - REASON 

email remittance:

Receiving Quotes

1. Requesting Quotes: Various activities require the services of a professional instructor or supplier. To engage a service or supplier, email a request for quote to at least three suppliers in order to get the best price and arrangement. You may choose to email all three on the same email, in order for them to know that they are in direct competition. Or you may choose to be more discrete and email potentially suppliers individually. The following template may assist: 

To: suppliers email addresses (preferably three) 


Subject: Request for Quote (RFQ) - RAVSTASS [Description]  

Good afternoon,

RAVSTASS is an independent multi-sport association. We wish to invite you to respond to a request for quotation please. 

Supply: Request quote to provide the following supply/services [detailed list]. 

Delivery: Delivery of [product/service] is required NLT [insert date].

RFQ Due: Request quote be supplied NLT [suggest +7 days]. 

Addressing: Please address quote to: 

RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association Inc
ABN 84 391 163 868
PO Box 8040
Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000 

Optional: In addition, we would like to invite you to consider becoming a RAVSTASS preferred supplier.

2. Review Quotes: In consultation with Treasurer, select the best value for money quote. Make booking with selected supplier and advise other suppliers they were not successful at this time. If you consider them a suitable alternative in future, you may invite them to consider becoming a preferred supplier

Public Officer
