PUP Quezon City Branch



Welcome to the PUP Quezon City (PUPQC) Branch Official Website! It is an avenue where information on this branch will be made known to the public.

PUPQC Branch is one of the branches/campuses of Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), that main objective is to extend quality education to the youth of the marginalized sector of our society.

Through the years, it has already produced several graduates who are successful in their chosen field. Likewise, these alumni continue to practice what they have learned in our Sintang Paaralan as indicated in the lyrics of PUP Hymn “Gagamitin ang karunungan mula sa iyo para sa bayan“ for the betterment of our country.

Its Faculty Members are encouraged to have further educations (such as Master's Degree and Doctorate Degree), conduct research, and attend seminars and training to update with the needs of the industry in the preparation of our students for their chosen career.

Its Administrative Staff, likewise, are sent to seminars and training related to their duties and responsibilities to ensure the delivery of quality service to stakeholders.

PUPQC Branch commits through its qualified, competent, and dedicated Faculty Members and Administrative Staff to continue to be the way for all less privileged but deserving students in grasping their dreams.

Again, welcome to our Sintang Paaralan PUPQC Branch “the shelter of the new race of young catalysts.

Dir. Jaime P. Gutierrez

Branch Director

Officials and Staff

Demelyn E. Monzon

Head of Academic Programs

Alma C. Fernandez

Head, Student Affairs and Services

Cleotilde B. Servigon

In-charge, Registration and Accounting

Melanie F. Bactasa

Guidance Counselor

Philip S. Soberano

Administrative Officer and Property Custodian

Irynne P. Gatchalian

Collecting and Disbursing Officer

Berna A. Bulawit

OIC, Accounting Services

Mary Grace I. Cruz

Quality Assurance and OJT Coordinator

Cherrylyn P. Esparagoza

OIC, Admission Services

Alma C. Fernandez

Faculty Expansionist

Sheryl R. Morales

Faculty Researcher

PUP Quezon City History

The PUP Quezon City Branch, formerly PUP Commonwealth Campus, was established through the generosity and benevolence of Mr. Walter Rothlehner, a German church leader and owner of a square building situated at SIKHAY Compound, Don Fabian St., Barangay Commonwealth, Quezon City. It was donated to the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) by Mr. Rothlehner.

Later on, the 1.9 hectares of land was also donated to PUP by the SIKHAY – an association duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) represented by its President, Rev. Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J.

PUP Quezon City started as a two-building campus. These two buildings were donated purposively used as classrooms, libraries, and offices for students and faculty members.

Hence through its Open University System, PUP committed to administer and maintain the described buildings and portion of land in the interest of its students in the locality and nearby vicinity.

PUP Quezon City Branch came to exist through its formal launching at the Misereor Building Hall on July 29, 1997. The former PUP President, Dr. Zenaida A. Olonan, presented the Plaque of Recognition to the donor of the campus, Mr. Walter Rothlehner. Also, former 2nd District of Quezon City House Representative, Hon. Dante V. Liban and other special guests from the local government and PUP administration were present.

PUP QC Branch started its 1st year of operation in School Year 1998-1999 and offered Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with 33 students only.

Today, it offered the following programs:

Undergraduate Programs:

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

  • Bachelor in Business Teacher and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics

  • Bachelor in Business Teacher and Livelihood Education major in Information Communication Technology

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Management

  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

  • Diploma in Office Management Technology with specialization in Medical Office Management

Graduate Studies Programs under the PUP Open University System

  • Master in Information Technology

  • Master in Educational Management

  • Master in Public Administration

Today, it has three (3) main buildings, the Rothlehner Building where administrative offices are located, Misereor Building with 2 classrooms and other administrative offices are situated, and the Academic with 12 classrooms. Another building where the Audio Visual Room and Computer Laboratory are placed. Because of its commitment to provide better education to the youth of Quezon City and other nearby localities, PUP Quezon City Branch continues to accept students, especially those who are less privileged but deserving students.

The past Administrator of this branch are the following:

  • Doris B. Gatan, MBA (1998-2004)

  • Pascualito B. Gatan, MBA (2004-2015)

  • Firmo A. Esguerra, MBA (2015-2018)

  • Edgardo S. Delmo, MGM, MBA (2019-Present )

President Rodrigo R. Duterte signed Republic Act No. 11347, also known as the PUP Quezon City Campus Act, knowing its existence last June 25, 2019. It is made possible in the 17th Congress House Bill No. 7734 through the sponsorship of the 2nd District of Quezon City Representative, Hon. Winston “Winnie” T. Castelo in the House of Representatives and the Chair of Committee on Education, Arts and Culture of the Senate, Hon. Francis “Chiz” G. Escudero.


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