COVID-19 Stress

In this COVID-19 pandemic, anyone can have stress, fear, and uncertainty, but teens may have an emotional time coping through it.

  • Check in with yourself every now and then to think about how you are feeling and managing, and keep watching for signs of mental health challenges.

  • If you are feeling depressed, hopeless, anxious, or angry during this time, these may be signs that you need some more support during this difficult time.

  • Research says it is normal for teens to feel sad during this time because sports, spending time with friends, and other activities were canceled.

It is common for these things to occur:

  • Unusual changes in mood, such as ongoing irritability, feelings of hopelessness or rage, and frequent conflicts with friends and family.

  • Changes in behavior, such as stepping back from personal relationships.

  • Changing from extroversion to intoversion and showing little interest in texting or video chatting with friends while stuck at home.

  • Having a hard time falling or staying asleep, or starting to sleep at all.

  • Lack of personal hygiene

  • Lost interest in doing things.