Week 1

First team meeting on campus and creating a workspace on Miro.

Collecting information on the project.

#industrialdesign #oncampus #coronaproof

Getting to know our coaches and learning about the details of

what is expected for the project.

#coaches @Emilie @Elena @Jadd

Excursion with Elena and Emilie to Kasteel Surmont and Bar

botaniek to examine the moats and their flora. Collecting

samples and sharing information.

#moats #wilderness

Week 3

Week 4

Making a site that links to a QR code to find instructions about using a product

First attempts at brainstorming our system

2 attempts to extract the colour green from grass, both failed to give an noticeable colour to a test piece

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

First meeting with group 13 to determine how we can work together

Interactive site as a database of all possible uses of the recources on the islands

We made a map that is printed out to use to promote our project and website in the IDC

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

we had a meeting with our coaches that gave us very good and new insights

Our whole team took part in the workshop printing with eggshells and coffee on 28/04

Creation of a pinterest board that shows really how wilderness in design is implemented

Week 11