Week 1

During the first week we were introduced to the project and the biomaterial ‘devel’up 2.0’ we are going to work on for the next 12 weeks.

We already met with Bert and did some research on the material and the documentation that he provided.

#Miroboard #Devel'Up 2.0

We made a shared Miro board where we are going to collect all our research and during the 12 weeks.

On top of that we also have a shared OneDrive folder for all the documents.

#Miroboard #OneDrive

We had a real live meeting during the atelier hours wit eachother.

During these 2 hours we also had a tour of the new BioFabLab in the IDC and a short introduction in how to use the different devices that are available here.

We also got some information about the different devices we probably are going to use during the project.

#BioFabLab #IDC #Atelier

Week 2

We gathered at the IDC to have a brainstorm on implementing the Devel'Up 2.0 material in the atelier.


In order to gain a better knowledge about the material, we wanted to try making it ourselve. The only thing we still needed was a mould to place the material in the oven. So we made one with scrap materials we found in the IDC.

#Prototyping #Atelier

With the mould we produced, we already did a first test on making the material at home. We used a 50/50 blend of starch and foodwaste out of the kitchen. We let it bake in the oven for one hour.

#Baking #Reusefoodwaste

Week 4

On our miroboard we devided our project in different sections.

We wrote down how each sections can be completed.

#Miroboard #Planning

On our miroboard we created some system thinking loops.

We also made a system achitype loop wich is based on succes to the succesfull.

#Miroboard #Systemloops

We tried making the material with banana peels. The material was far more flexible, but less strong. This could be because there is less starch then in the potato peels. But the starch in banana peels also changes to glucose when it begins to ripe. And ours riped for 2-3 days.

#Flexiblematerial #Ripingfordays

Week 5

This week we tried to produce our own starch from potatoes. We managed to get almost 5% of starch out of the potatoes. Wich is much less then the theoritical amount of starch in a potato.

#Tryingsomethingnew #Kindofsucces

We made a progress presentation explaining what Devel'up is, what we have already done and what the next steps are. In the presentation we also give more explanation about the system loops and stakeholders


We deteriment our different stakoholders with an stakholder map on our miroboard. The stakeholders map we use shows in different stage how involved a stakeholder is.

#Stakeholders #Miroboard

Week 6

We are planning to produce a video that can be used in workshops and a poster with a QR code that links to the workshop video.

#Producing #Workshops #QRcode

One of our previous tests was not baked enough and got moldy after drying two weeks in a cellar.

#Moldy #Perish

Wa are producing a sheet with only the use of potatoes.

We acquired a heavy raster for our future tests.

#Comingsoon #Exited

Week 7

We made a flyer to hang at the idc and to put next to the lasercutter and the cnc milling machine. We hope to see that people are intrested by keeping track of how many times the qr code has been scanned.

#poster #qrcode

Our first page on the prototyping circulair website has been published. In the future we want to add some more recipes, material composition examples and improved proces information.


We noticed that some of our tests when making the material still fail from time to time. We planned a meeting with our coach and material expert; Bert, to see what we are doing wrong and where we should improve.


Week 8

We laser cutted our material sample board and we are going to ad it to the material wall.

#Lasercutting #Sampleboard

First test of lasercutting a Devel'Up sheet. We have to tweak the laser's settings a bit for more optimal results.

#Lasercutting #Devel'Up

We tested the material made with bananapeels and made a sample out of it for the sample board. The bananapeels were baked way longer and had way more fibers in them, wich made it stronger then the material made of potato peels.


Week 9

We had some problems with the qr code of the poster so we made new qr codes for the posters.

The 12th of may we will give a workshop about prototyping with devel'up. Time to start making some promotion and get people involved.

We are monitoring the traffic generated to our website page and so far we don't have a lot of clicks. We need to look for better ways to get people engaged with it.

Week 10

In the feedback session with Jan Leyssens he pointed out that a big advantage of our material is that it can be used in molds. This week we're going to make a example mold of a bowl and document the proces on video.

We're going to make a video explaining how to make the material and why to use it

We created a new page on our google website: Get to know Devel'up. We also created some new content for the 'Get started with Devel'up' page.

#Googlewebsite #Newpage

Week 11

This week we tried to create a 3D freeform with the Devel'up material. Sadly we didn't succeed. The second test is currently drying, let’s hope it works this time.

#Devel'upfreefrom #Failing

We made some samples that we are going to put al around the IDC so everybody can try to use the material.

#Samples #Tryityourself

The video tutorial on how to make Devel'up sheets is created. This wil act as replacement to a workshop.

#Video #Workshop #DIY