Week 1

Week 2

To collect more info about newer materials and newer methods to progress these materials, we started to collect all the Instagram accounts we found who do something with newer materials. We would like to eventually include all of these possible ways of using the materials in our final concept.

#Inspiration #Biomaterials #Exploration #NewTechniques #TeamWork #Instagram #Miro

During week 2 we faced a problem. We had no goal in mind to reach. Therefore we sat together and came up with 2 goals. One is a platform for biomaterials for students by students and the other is a sort of workshop where we would teach the teachers.

#Goals #ProjectGoals #Platform #TeamWork #Miro

At the end of week 2 we will be holding our first stakeholder meeting with Jan Leyssens from Switchrs. During this meeting we will discuss our goals and go further into depth.

#Meeting #Switchrs #JanLeyssens

Week 3

This week we received very unfortunate news. Laurent has decided to quit IO to start working at a company. We wish him the best of luck with his work! He shall be missed however, as he was a very valuable asset and talent to the team. Good luck Laurent!

#GoodByeLaurent #GoodLuckLaurent #NewTeam #BridgingAcademiaAndIndustry

To broaden our research about biomaterials, we decided to also make a shared Pinterest board. This will allow us to find some new and intriguing ways to use and make biomaterials. These will, like the ones we find on the Instagram account, be hopefully included in our final concept.

#Pinterest #Exploration #Biomaterials #TeamWork

Our first experiment! We created a Instagram account to every group has access to and post on. This is to heighten the awareness of the other projects outside their own group and to encourage cooperation between them. With this we will also have a first view on how willingly the students are to share their process. The outcome will greatly influence our project and we are looking forward to it.

#Instagram #Experiment #SharingIsCaring #EncouragingTeamwork

Week 4

Our Instagram account is now live and going. Every group has a representative that posts for their groups. So far, we are quite happy with the post that have been posted (currently 4 different groups). We do hope that more posts keep happening!

#Instagram #Community

These are some of the samples of “Eurabo natuurlijk!” that were received.

Another way to bridge industry and academia is by testing out different methods used when creating a prototype. We are normally going to test these methods during this week.

#Prototyping #Samples

This is our system we think is behind the Instagram account. This system will prove to be very useful during later stages of this project. However, the system is nowhere finished as we are not sure that everything we wrote down is correct.

#Systemthinking #ConceptOfSystem

Week 5

We sat together to discuss and prep our presentation. We are excited to present our presentation during the lesson and being the first to start everything.


We tested on of “Eurabo natuurlijk!” samples. This was isocork. We tried to CNCing, sawing, sanding, etc. And surprisingly, everything went very good. Overall isocork seems to be a material that can definitely be used during the prototyping phase.

#Prototyping #Samples #isocork

We achieved something we didn’t expected. Someone outside of IO asked the group #10 of knotplex for more information about something they posted on the story of the Instagram. This means we accomplished something unexpected. Inspiring someone outside of IO!

#Community #Instagram #Inspiration

Week 6

This week we thermoformed with the isocork. The texture of the plastic is quite unique and quite satisfying. We also wanted to try and laser cut the isocork. However, due to unforeseen things, we were not able to do this.

#Thermoforming #UniqueTexture #Isocork

We wanted some more insight on the opinion of the students on the Instagram account. Since the account has been live for more than 2 weeks, we figured it was a good time for the first survey. We hope to adapt and change some things is needed.

#Instagram #Survey

During this week and last week we made our archetypes. However, during the presentation we only showed one of them due to the time limit. Via this way we still want to highlight these.

#Archetypes #Systems

Week 7

This week we had a workshop from Angela Pisani about working with dyes from biomaterials. It was a very nice workshop and definitely helped team #4.

#Workshop #Biocolours #Biodyes

This week Sarah (from team #8) and Alesio (from team #13) sat together to look where we could work together since they also work with a website. We looked at all the possibilities and we discovered that we could very well work together.

#Collaboration #Team8

This week we also looked into the LCA and we are planning to get some feedback from the professor. We are comparing isocork with generic foam used in the IDC.

#LCA #Isocork

Week 8

This our ‘roadmap’ for the redesign of the website of prototyping circular that we are planning to do. We see a lot of value in the site that is currently misused and misplaced.

#Redesign #Sites #Designing

We tried to laser cut isocork and surprisingly it went very good. However, we still need to figure out the correct settings required for the material. We posted this also on the Instagram.

#Lasercutting #Instagram #Isocork

We initiated another experiment during the Easter break. Only 4 groups answered our calling, which is very unfortunate. But we will work with those groups from now on.

#Experiment #Teamwork

Week 9

We send an email to BC Material in which we proposed some ways of collaboration, since we heard that they have interest in our study and project. We hope to receive an answer soon.

#connectingindustry #constructwaste

Since we all want to change things on the website we decided to work together. In our first meeting the goals of every team was clear. We will work on a copy of the website to improve it and later propose it.

#teamwork #website

We received an answer of Eurabo to the email we send and this was positive. We think it can be possible to receive their waste and use it in the shop. Now we will contact them again for details.

#isocork #newmaterials #industry

Week 10

One of our end deliverables is the redesign of the site. This is currently underway and almost done. Next Wednesday 5/05, we will present this to Francesca.

#RedisgnSite #Website #EndDeliverable

We are planning to do a change of behaviour. A bit late, given the time of when we want to do it, but we want to take the students closer to the industry and not the opposite, like we used to think and try. This should also close the gap between them.

#ClosingTheGap #ChangeOfBehaviour

As a way to have an interactive system for the students to the industry, we will use a Prezi presentation on the site.

#Prezi #Site

Week 11

This week we had a meeting with group 8 and group 10. They had specific questions about the Wix site and wanted to learn more about it.

#Collaboration #Site #Wix

We started to integrate the Google Site into Wix since it is more self-sustainable then the Google Site.

#Wix #Site

The interactive Prezi for the students to the industry is finished and can be found on the Wix site once it is launched.

#Prezi #Site