
  • This document has been created to outline the expected method of communication between all units, and operational command. All units are to abide by the following standards, and provide constructive criticism to improve the communication of units during missions or operations. The aim of this document is to create a cohesive unit, and prevent any possibility for confusion and miscommunication during active operations.

PTS (Permission To Speak)

  • PTS refers to communication clutter being brought down to zero. It means that after PTS has been called by the senior officer present, you will not be allowed to talk about anything that doesn't concern the operation. Be patient and don't talk over people. PTS can/should be activated by the most senior officer in the voice channel.


  1. AO-(Area of Operations)

  2. RT-(Riot Truck)

  3. ATO-(Air Tasking Order)

  4. AWOL-(Absent Without Official Leave)

  5. CAS-(Close Air Support)

  6. CO-(Commanding Officer)

  7. 2IC-(Second in Command)

  8. ETA-(Estimated Time of Arrival)

  9. PD-(Police Department)

  10. HVT-(High Value Target)

  11. KIA-(Killed in Action)

  12. MIA-(Missing in Action)

  13. QRF-(Quick Reaction Force)

  14. EMS-(Emergency Medical Service)

  15. ROE-(Rules of Engagement)

  16. RTB-(Returning to Base)

  17. SITREP-(Situation Report)

  18. SOP-(Standard Operating Procedure)

  19. SQ/SQL-(Squad/Squad Leader)

  20. VIP-(Very Important Person)

  21. Eagle calls sign-(Police Buzzard Helicopter)

  22. Sparrow Call Sign-(Police Maverick Helicopter)

  23. NT-(Negotiation Team)

  24. PCTS-(Probable Cause To Search)


  • 10-0: Activating PTS (Permission to speak has been activated)

  • 10-1: Need Backup (At the person's location)

  • 10-2: Negative

  • 10-3: Stop transmitting (Ordering or requesting silence in communications)

  • 10-4: Roger (Used to acknowledge that an order or briefing has been received)

  • 10-7: Officer down "Say 10-7 (location)"

  • 10-8: In service; Reporting for duty (Self-explanatory)

  • 10-9: Code Red (Shots fired! Open fire!)

  • 10-20: Your Location (Announcing your location)

  • 10-21: Return To PD

  • 10-23: Stand by at "location" (ordering a unit to hold at a position)

  • 10-28: Check for Hostiles (Ordering a sweep for suspects in a specified area)

  • 10-32: Armed Suspect

  • 10-50: Requesting air support

  • 10-52: Requesting EMS at my current location

  • 10-70: Foot pursuit (I am chasing the suspect on foot at my location)

  • 10-76: En route ( Moving to your location)

  • 10-80: Vehicle Pursuit (Starting a vehicle pursuit from my location)

  • 10-102: Suspicious person

  • 10-108: Man down (need assistance)