Powell Veterinary Service Offers Sought-After Pet Wellness Testing And Exams

Trusted vets offer varied services to pet owners in Greeley and surround

Having offered their well-supported veterinary services to so many clients over the years Powell Veterinary Service (PVS) has firmly cemented their position as the vets of choice for most in the region where they have been a household name for around 30 years: they are very well known in and around Kersey, Platteville, Nunn and Brighton among the areas where their services are offered.

As a leading veterinary service, PVS looks after the complete health of their clients’ dogs and cats – and even more exotic animals as well. Their website is full of very useful information that includes blog entries with great advice for pet owners. The service and their personnel are passionate about pets and helping them to stay healthy and, where applicable, assist them to enjoy good health once more after illness or operations and other surgeries.

They are always available to offer preventive care as well as helping animals get back to health after illnesses and injuries. Their clinic is modern and comfortable and creates the perfect ambiance for pets and their owners to feel comfortable and confident. Their services are varied and aimed at offering every pet the assistance they need right from their regular visits to make sure they are well and not candidates for preventable illnesses to that time it may be necessary to euthanize them. This is always done in the most caring way and with the owner present.

The clinic’s Mark H. Powell DVM, the President, was quoted during a recent meeting with new clients and their pets, “We are pet lovers and we understand how every owner feels when their pets are not well. Therefore we are here for every owner and their beloved animals.

“We also believe that all pets should be brought in from time to time for a thorough wellness testing and exam to be sure we are in the best position to prevent certain illnesses from developing and be a threat to your pet’s well-being. Please talk to us in this regard so we can schedule an appointment.”

PVS offers different services in addition to the regular check-up and wellness testing for your pets, for example, spaying and neutering, other surgeries, emergencies, dispensing of meds, and any related care and service your pet needs to be well.

PVS is also well known in Colorado for their involvement with the Wasatch Kennel that offers thorough-bred golden retriever puppies for hunting purposes, as well as kennel services for owners that need those. PVS is known for their caring attitude and great experience when it comes to working with pets and dealing with their owners.

About Us: At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivaled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer a great experience and are proud of the services we offer about all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO-based, and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergencies. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit https://powellvets.com.