Reasonable Expectations To Have Of Your Pets’ Veterinarian

Just like their owners pets get sick, they can get injured and they need preventive medical care too, such as vaccinations at specific times to help stave off certain conditions from developing.

Therefore all cities and almost every town right from Boulder and Greeley, CO to every region in the US have veterinarian services and animal clinics for owners to take their pets to in order for diagnoses to be made, treatment plans to be described and medications to be dispensed to your sick, or injured, or recuperating pet. It is also a fact that pet owners in Kersey, Greeley, or in and around Chicago – everywhere for that matter - have certain expectations of the animal clinic they support.

You want to know that the veterinarians and their support staff offer the knowledge and experience to deal with you and treat your pets so that they recuperate quickly after an injury or surgery, or that they administer the correct vaccinations and dispense the correct medicine. Most pet owners prefer to work with a caring veterinarian, a person that shows compassion and care – it relaxes the pet and puts the owner’s mind at ease.

There are some definite minimum expectations that every pet owner should have when they decide which veterinarian and animal clinic to take their cats and dogs, or other pets, to. Some of those that stand out, include the following: an expectation to receive high-quality care that is characterized by compassion for the animals; to be informed and kept in the loop at all times, of what you could expect in terms of the animal’s health progression, also when the pet declines; you may expect that all procedures and treatment plans are explained to you in in manner that is easy to grasp; to be offered a time schedule for follow-up visits and total honesty, even if it means that you may have to make important decisions such as having to put your beloved pet to sleep.

These are some of the basic, reasonable expectations a pet owner may have of the animal clinic they take their pet to. There are also other, prominent considerations to help you make up your mind about the veterinarians you have chosen. Some of those follow here:

· The Premises – You should expect a neat environment that is clean and inviting. If it is dirty and unkempt, you may not be able to trust the practice.

· Looking at the Staff – You expect professionals to meet you, and to treat your pet. Vets should be well-qualified, offer experience and the expertise associated with their services. You want to deal with friendly, caring people whose attitude shows they are really interested in you and your animal.

· Communication – You want the clinic’s staff to communicate all information about your pet’s health and condition to you, you want to be offered advice about aftercare for a pet that was operated on, you want advice about pets’ general healthcare, their diets – anything that your pet will benefit from.

· Find out about the Services – It is important to know what services the practice offers. Do they only offer some basic services, or are they available for different tests, will they spay and neuter pets, can they perform – also advanced – surgeries? Is their facility modern and equipped with the latest machines to ensure they can offer pets the best possible treatment?

· Bespoke – Every owner is entitled to a service tailored to the needs and requirements of their individual animal; this means that every pet is treated with respect, it is diagnosed properly, applicable treatment is prescribed and a schedule for follow-up visits and procedures, when necessary, put in place.

The above gives a good indication of what pet owners should look out for when they have to decide on the veterinary service they want to take their pets to. Fortunately there are always choices, and the good ones always stand out above the others.

About Us

At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivalled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer great experience and are proud of the services we offer regarding all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO based and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergency situations. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit