Introduce Pets To Vet Services From A Very Young Age

Powell Veterinary Service offering great assistance for owners of all pets

Having been known for their outstanding services and attention to the wellness of pets in different areas around Kersey, CO, long-established vet clinic Powell Veterinary Service is mentioned for their professionalism, knowledge about all matters concerning cats and dogs, their experience and expertise built up over many years and for the caring attitude they are known for.

They have experienced staff, front office personnel and the services of technicians that ensure that all processes flow smoothly. The clinic is known for the different services they offer, right from preventative measures such as wellness tests, vaccinations and checking pets at a young age to make sure they are not suffering from ailments that later could cause serious problems.

Vets believe, and most owners agree, that your pet’s health starts at a very young age, for example when they are born or newly acquired by their owners. It is advised to schedule their first appointments at a very young age to help them get used to the routine of seeing the vet every 6 months or at the very least once a year to be sure they are well, receive their shots and vaccinations and are tested for any illness the vet may suspect they are at risk of developing.

The President of PVS, Mark H. Powell DVM said the following when approached for comment, “At PVS we believe that your pet’s care starts early; we must check them regularly from the moment they first come to your family – with regular visits. Also, make sure you talk to us about issues such as creating a pet-friendly environment for them at home, right from the time they are kittens and puppies. We offer great, free advice about how you take care of them, what you feed them, how you clean them and how you exercise your young pet. Please peruse our website for some great information on how to make sure your pets stay happy and healthy.”

PVS is known for a range of services for pets in their region. Some of these include, among, spaying and neutering, dental care, consultations, dispensing medicine and surgeries when called for.

In addition to their direct medical care services, the clinic also offers boarding facilities for owners that are absent for a while, as well as providing excellent golden retriever puppies for hunters, for example. In this regard, PVS also connects with, for example, Intrepid Retrievers who are well known for their gundog training. Details are displayed on the service’s website.

PVS constantly receives great reports and positive feedback for their services and assistance from owners and the public in their region.

About Us: At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivaled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer a great experience and are proud of the services we offer concerning all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO-based and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergencies. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit