Dog Boarding Facilities In Greeley, CO For Absent Owners

Powell Veterinary Service offers excellent temporary boarding facilities for pets in Kersey, Greely

Powell Veterinary Service (PVS) is a leading animal clinic in Kersey, Greeley and serves various communities in the immediate region to include, for example, Brighton, Ault, Pierce and Nunn. However, quite an impressive number of their regular clients come from much further away as well.

PVS is known for offering pet owners in the communities where they have been active as the preferred vets of choice for years, the complete service. This includes regular checkups, treating sick animals and dispensing medicine, as well as surgery when that is called for. PVS is also well known for, among their services, the trouble they go to with regard to helping prevent illness and ailments from developing – hence their well-received wellness tests and exams that owners are invited to make use of.

The clinic is further mentioned for the quality of all of their other services such as, for example, general health care for dogs and cats, for spaying and neutering and for various surgeries, either as a pre-booked service or in emergency situations.

In addition to the mentioned services, they are also well known for their involvement with the Wasatch Kennel that provided golden retriever pups for field trial and hunting purposes. Dams and sires are chosen carefully, under the guidance of an experienced veterinarian to ensure thorough-bred animals that become excellent working dogs.

PVS also offers high-quality boarding facilities for cats and dogs. Their President, Mark H. Powell DVM, was quoted in this regard in the local press recently, “At PVS we get involved at various levels with pets and their owners to offer a service that discerns itself from what other veterinarians have to offer. This includes, too, the facilities we offer here for dogs and cats when owners need a temporary home for the pets during their, the owners’, absence. Please discuss your needs with us. We can help.”

Owners can leave their pets at PVS’s boarding facility with the greatest confidence, where they are ensured of care and love of the same quality their owners extend them. They are looked after, fed, played with and sheltered in a safe environment.

The veterinarians, nurses and support staff at PVS are widely known to offer the best, most caring service to sick animals, as well as to those that visit for routine checkups. Owners speak highly of PVS, about the quality of the treatment their pets receive, about the access to boarding facilities, and of the professional yet friendly and relaxed approach they are treated with to ensure owners and pets immediately warm to the staff.

About Us

At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivalled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer great experience and are proud of the services we offer regarding all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities, and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO based and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergency situations. Pets are our passion, and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit