Having a Pet at Home – Advantages

Powell Veterinary Services available for pet care services

Well-known vets Powell Veterinary Service of Kersey, CO has been one of the leading vet clinics for pets of all ages for many years in the areas that they serve. These include, among some, Brighton, Nunn, Eaton, and Platteville where they have been the vets of choice for many a household over the years.

In addition to their hands-on service and assistance when pets take ill, or when they are booked for their regular checkups, the service goes to great lengths to ensure their pets’ owners are offered great information about various aspects related to pets’ health and well-being, and therefore they are always open to have discussions with pet owners and to offer free advice to make sure pets remain happy and healthy.

Also, the clinic believes there are some great advantages to having a pet in your home. The clinic’s President, Mark H. Powell DVM was interviewed at his rooms when he said, “We are a total service right from offering preventative care for your pets to offering our assistance and after-care when they are not well. Also, we know that there are great benefits to be derived from keeping a pet in your home, such as companionship for the lonely and elderly, for example; therefore we encourage clients to get an animal, to bring it to us for medical checkups and advice.

“In this regard, I would like to mention that we are very involved in breeding and providing golden retriever puppies too. They make excellent pets and also hunting dogs. For these puppies, and more information, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise and assist you.”

PVS offers different services to ensure every owner is offered the best assistance for their pets, whether yours is a tiny kitten or puppy, or an adult or senior animal. Some of these services that clients contact them for every day include wellness tests and exams to be sure your pet is in good health and will not need any medical intervention soon, dental and teeth cleaning services, spaying, and neutering, different surgeries – some of them very advanced.

All of this is possible because they are well geared toward taking care of all issues relating to your pet’s health, right from access to x-rays to operating areas. In addition to seeing pets during normal working hours, also a few hours Saturdays, the clinic is available for emergency appointments, especially if the owner and pet have come some way with the vets and their assistants. They advise that they also assist with cremation procedures when that becomes necessary.

PVS often receives great feedback, both from regular and new clients.

About Us

At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivaled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer a great experience and are proud of the services we offer with regard to all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO-based and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergency situations. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit https://powellvets.com